USPS priority flat rate boxes


Oct 17, 2005
Not sure where else to put this but I just wanted to make sure everyone that didn't already know of these does.

I just shipped out a HDD today from CA to NC. Ground mail was 8-9 and UPS was 12-13. For 5 bucks I got priority shipment AND it comes with a nifty box to use. There is a bigger box for 10 bucks as well. Weight and distance do not matter, just the size. Make sure you get the flat rate priority box cause you can't just use any old box.

Hope this helps someone :)
They have a $5 flat rate now?? Cheapest one I've used is now $10! I remember when they used to be like $6 something.
Yup they're definitely small - it could fit probably 3 maybe 4 dvd cases, but it worked great for the HDD I sent and they hooked me up and got me a slightly larger box to fit a game and PS3 controller in for the same price another time.

I never have shipping materials handy so paying 2 or 3 bucks for materials kills a $10 FSFT sale for me lol.
I wouldn't feel good about shipping a HD in such a small box.

But flat rate boxes rock in general. I always stuff those full of non-fragile items. Maybe one day i'll put 70 pounds of rocks in one to see how they like delivering it. :p
with harddrives able to withstand crazy g'forces nowadays, i dont see a worry with a single-boxed hdd...
I wouldn't feel good about shipping a HD in such a small box.

It actually seemed much better than the alternative of a larger box because after double wrapping with bubble wrap, it filled the entire box and was snugly in place... it isn't going to rattle around or bounce back and fourth like in a larger box - unless I used like 5lbs of bubble pack in the larger box :p
It actually seemed much better than the alternative of a larger box because after double wrapping with bubble wrap, it filled the entire box and was snugly in place... it isn't going to rattle around or bounce back and fourth like in a larger box - unless I used like 5lbs of bubble pack in the larger box :p

QFT. When I ship, I always pick out the smallest box that will still fit the item in two coats of bubble wrap. I have had lots of items ruined because of them bouncing around---bubble wrap or not---inside a box that was too big. :(
Aren't there like 3 sizes of flat rate boxes. The 4.95 which is the small, then a couple that are around bucks and two different shapes, and then the large that is around 10?
a flat rates priority are the way to go if you have something heavy, but it fits in the box. I spoke with one of the USPS clerk and he said if u could fit a object thats 75 pounds or under in the regular priority flate rate box it would still be only around $13 to ship :O
I'm not sure how long its been available, but I've been using flat rate shipping Priority Mail for almost 5 years now. The best thing about the flat rate shipping is that its guarenteed to be delivered in 2-3 days. USPS also delivers flat rate boxes, envelopes, and labels to your house for free [order them online]. I've probably mailed over $15K worth of equipment through USPS and not once have I had a shipment lost or damaged. [USPS is almost always CHEAPER then UPS and FedEx, but I'll only trust FedEx with over night shipments]
oh so you can just walk in and grab boxes...and pay for it say a month later when you need to ship something?

absotively posilutely . . . . tho some of the UPS "Retail Associates"
do frown at me when I go grabbin all that they got left laying there :D
If I am not mistaken it is a federal offense to use those boxes for anything other than shipping USPS (ex other shipping, moving, etc).
I have a bunch of all sizes. When I come in the clerk usually gets me a bundle from the back so I don't strip the display.

You can also print the postage online, so all you have to do is drop it on the counter. The envelopes and small boxes fit in the mailbox.

Also, all online postage comes with free delivery conformation, you have to pay extra at the PO.
And as I discovered recently when I was shipping something off, it seems when you pay online the actual postage is cheaper as well.
If you're on a budget, make sure you don't accidentally grab the flat rate express boxes. ;)