Using IE6 to View/Modify MS Access


Aug 27, 2007
Having some issues. We can get the user to click the link for the ms access file, it prompts to open/save/cancel. When clicking Open, another dialog pops up to save or cancel. We need the users to be able to OPEN the Access file using IE and be able to modify/save changes globally so everyone sees these effects. Only our network admin (who is still looking for more stuff in IIS) is able to open it without saving. I've got access to everything as well, but we can't figure out why not even me can view it with IE.

This is with Office XP.

Edit: The guy who can view it is running Office 2003. Interesting.
Ok, I think the reason it prompts to save is because the information is being passed with http. I was able to put it in a public place on our server, use that address in IE, and it opens up access like you went to start, all programs, etc. I made a change and was able to view it from a coworkers computer as well.
Could I add a digital signature to the file? I think at that point is when we are getting denied.