Using 4 hard drives?


Limp Gawd
Jan 28, 2004
I just got a raid controller so I could add another 2 hard drives to my pc. I have so far only plugged one drive in and when its connected to the pc the pc wont boot. If I unplug the ide cable then I hear a beep and it boots ok but the second I plug the third drive in to the ide controller I cant booot. I have installed the raid drivers that came on the cd and when I was in windows the first time I couldnt see the drive in my computer but it was listed in PM8 and the software that came with the controller card.

So why does my pc not want to boot?
If your BIOS's boot sequence is set to boot C before SCSI and you are using the RAID controller to boot, then it will try the drive hooked up to the integrated ATA channel, and fail. Post what drives are connected to what controllers, and in the mean time, mess around with the boot sequence until you get something that works. Just make a mental note of the present settings that half way work so you have something to fall back on ;)