Username/Password Win2k VPN client issues


Feb 4, 2004
I recently setup Routing and Remote Access to allow VPN connections on our ISA server. Several Windows 9X and XP machines have successfully connected to the VPN without a hitch. However, we have this one 2k client that always asks for a username/password when trying to access machines on the private network. I have reviewed every possible setting that I can think of on both the client and server sides. The client is a member of a workgroup with the same name as the domain. I am using the proper domain on the connect etc. I can ping/resolve hosts on the network but when going to connect it ALWAYS asks for a username/password. No matter what is used I still cant gain access. Any ideas?
Does this occur for every user on the Win2k machine?

Does that user have any problems using an XP or 9x machine for VPN access?

Are there any failed events in the Security log of the VPN server? If so, they may provide a clue.
We currently only have one Win2k machine that is a VPN client and non that we can really test on. I've even reinstalled the OS on that particular machine to no avail.

This user has no problems with other operating systems. Other users have the same issues on this particular computer.

Unfortunately, I could not find any relavent events in the log.
Originally posted by logo29a
We currently only have one Win2k machine that is a VPN client and non that we can really test on. I've even reinstalled the OS on that particular machine to no avail.

This user has no problems with other operating systems. Other users have the same issues on this particular computer.

Unfortunately, I could not find any relavent events in the log.

After you have connected with the VPN, try to connect to another system using Domain\username format............
Ok, so instead of just typing the username you type domain/username? Excuse my ignorance, but I'm still a little new to the whole Windows thing. I'm more used to *nix and internet backbone equipment. Thanks for your help.
Ok ,that actually worked. Now the question is, how do I get it to automatically use the username/password used to sign on to the vpn instead of having to manually type it in for every machine that you want to access?
Originally posted by logo29a
Ok ,that actually worked. Now the question is, how do I get it to automatically use the username/password used to sign on to the vpn instead of having to manually type it in for every machine that you want to access?

Out of curiosity, does this system prompt for credentials inside and outside of the network, or just when VPNing in?
Just when VPN'n.

Our network configuration allows for easy testing of machines by placing them on either the external or internal networks. Just for fun, I placed this machine on the internal network and made it a domain member. I never had any problems from it in this configuration.