user name and pw are always incorrect


Fully [H]
Sep 27, 2005
I am having a persistent issue as of late. EA's Origin has been doing it to me for a couple weeks and today, my bank's website started doing it. When I type in my user name and password into Origin or my bank's website, they both keep saying my log in information is incorrect. I know for sure my log in info is correct. Origin started doing it to me right after a massive BF3 update and I simply wondered if it had to do with that but now my bank's website is doing the same thing so I am wondering if it's Firefox or Windows.

I am running Firefox as my browser and Windows 7 Home Premium 64 as my o/s.

I am about to reformat and reinstall Windows but I wanted to check here first and see: is this just an issue with my cookies or should I go ahead and reinstall?
ever consider that you got hacked and someone changed the passwords?
Your passwords are authenticated on the server side, not your local machine. Reinstalling Windows is unlikely to fix any online authentication issues. Instead, reconsider the possibility that someone has gained unauthorized access to your accounts (especially if you have multiple accounts that use the same password). Reset your passwords to known working ones, and take better precautions for security in the future. A Windows reinstall could be a part of a comprehensive personal security audit, but it's probably not going to fix the root cause of your issues.