Useful Free XP Utilities


Jul 27, 2004
The Goal: Compile a list of Free utilities that help people out.
The best way might be by voting on these.
You might disagree with my choices and/or have better utilities in mind.
If you can provide a better one, then I will edit this post to include them.

These Utilities Range from just plain fun, to almost a must for your windows box.
I use all of these and I am hoping that a few people would comment and maybe we can get a list of utilities that will help us all.

Useful Free Utilities For Win (XP):

Changes the boot up screen of your machine.

MS Windows Power Toys:
PowerToys by MS are very useful add-ons to almost any system
This one allows you to do a little bit of extra windows tweaking with great ease. It lets you do such things as configure AutoPlay, AutoLogon, customize a few features of your desktop, configure a keyboard with MS navigation keys to do what you want (turn it into a G11), and a few other tweaks.

Event ID 4226 Patcher:
This is a quick fix that will allow you to open up more than 10 half-open connections. Win XP SP2 limits you to only 10, this is to cut down on virus traffic. But this also limits some legitimate applications.

Allows you to create .pdf files.

Another handy MS utility which is very similar to your taskamanager. One major advantage of this utility however, is the ability to authenticate and verify Windows Processes. If you think you have a virus masquerading as real process, this verify function, will be able to help you.
Note: No installation required.

CCleaner (CrapCleaner):
A very fast and very useful little utility that will get rid of much of you accumulated crap from temporary files and dead registry entries. It can also uninstall your applications for you.

Regseeker - This is a utility which is very similar to CCleaner, but unlike CCleaner, it can make a backup and restore your registry, search through your registry, tweak a few Windows properties. It can not only Uninstall applications, but also give you a list of invalid entries and applications properties.
HoverIP - This application brings the command line functions like ping and tracert and a few other useful networking commands to an easy to use GUI interface
HoverSpan - automatically saves and names your printscreen shots to a designated folder. You can take a full screen, an active screen, or setup a custom area.
Note: all of these utilities can be put onto a USB key after the install. They will work on any PC without a need to install them

This is a utility which will move your MyDocuments, Desktop, Favorites, History and SendTo folders anywhere you want.

Change the way your Desktop and file icons look with ease.

ShellExView: - Site has many more useful applications
Ever get really annoyed at some programs that just place items into your right click menu without asking you? Well then get this program. It allows you to disable or enable what your right click menu will show.

This Utility is somewhat similar to TweakUI. This one also lets you uninstall Windows componentsand has a few other useful features.

dBpowerAMP 10 (not 11):
This is a free version and it has one very useful windows integration feature. When your mouse hovers over a mp3 file (or any that it supports) it will give you a full ID tag description.
You can also edit the ID tag.

ps: Admin, is this Ok?
Good work

I'm a Windows Administrator, I have a ton of tools, but it's 2am and I'm tired. I'll throw more in later.

Klite Mega Codec Pack

This will give you Windows Media Player Classic, with plugins for just about any video/audio file you can imagine. Must have!