usb drive holding page file?


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2004
is it possible to use a usb drive as say your xp page file?

i would think if you could it would be a million times better then from an ide drive..

anyone try this?
I doubt it, and I also doubt that it's a good idea.

The first problem is that I suspect USB drives are added after swap is set up.
The second problem is that having swap on a removable drive is asking for trouble the moment it's unplugged or there's something wrong with the drivers.
The third problem is that I highly doubt that even an USB2 drive will be faster than a decent IDE drive. (The same disk + a higher-latency interface and some extra layers is very unlikely to be faster.)
Forth is flash drives have limited read/write times and you will just shorten the life of yr drive very quickly

fifth is the connectors used for USB are extreamly cheap and have very low mating cycles
Not only the points posted above, but USB flash drives deteriorate much more quickly with constant writing/rewriting.
erebus1 said:
i would think if you could it would be a million times better then from an ide drive..
I'm failing to see how this would be better, considering transfer speeds are much much slower than an internal IDE drive.
Have you ever even USED a USB thumbdrive? Try to copy a 100MB file from one IDE drive to another, than try to copy that same file to a USB thumbdrive; compare and get back to us...

Edit: opps, misread your post! I thought you were saying a USB drive was faster than an IDE hard disk :D
Unknown-One said:
Edit: opps, misread your post! I thought you were saying a USB drive was faster than an IDE hard disk :D
He is, unfortunately.
I think we've just done a textbook example of the concept "shooting down an idea".
HHunt said:
I think we've just done a textbook example of the concept "shooting down an idea".

Pretty easy when every aspect is flawed.


Always should have windows and the pagefile on the fastest drive.
YARDofSTUF said:
Always should have windows and the pagefile on the fastest drive.

Or separate drives on separate buses, if you happen to have the extra drive at hand and nothing else to use it for.
(The performance gains are minimal, but theoretically existant.)