USB bootable to install OS's


Limp Gawd
Jul 10, 2008
Im one of these people who hates CDs/DVDs and will do anything I can to avoid using them.

I have narrowed this down to only OS installs now.

What I want to be able to do now is create a bootable USB stick which will allow me to connect to network shares containing ISOs

These shares are currently windows, but will soon be Linux of some form.

Does anything like this exist? or can I keep on dreaming? :rolleyes:
Microsoft also has a distribution service available with server. It gives you a bootable PE client you can run off a flash drive. From there you choose the image you want to pull down.
Microsoft also has a distribution service available with server. It gives you a bootable PE client you can run off a flash drive. From there you choose the image you want to pull down.

What is the name of the MS service?

Does this utility (?) allow you to load an ISO onto the USB drive? Does it make the USB drive bootable?