UPS delivered the goods


Feb 1, 2004
Parts for my new build where shipped from newegg yestarday. The goodies arrived today, and the case will be here tomorrow.

AMD Opteron 144 CACJE
2GB G Skill RAM 2.5-3-3-6
EPOX 9NPA3-Ultra mobo
NEC Black DVD Burner
AS5 Thermal Paste

It's my first build since a K6-3 400 (oc'd to 450!) over 5 years ago!

For now I'm going to run it off a PCI (not pci express) geforce 2 mx 400 card :rolleyes: and a IDE 20 gb hard drive for a few weeks till I get another pay check. I could have finished it off now, but I didn't want to bitchslap my bank account too hard.

This is the case I ended up getting.
Plain Case

Some of the goodies.


I can't wait to overclock this :D


I really like the right angle SATA cables this came with.


This all set me back about $550, and add in that the cost of a nice video card ($300) and hard drive ($100) and I think this was quite a deal. Now I've got to wait for the case!
Codegen said:
OT: Does anyone know why CPUs still say "Copyright 2001"?
Probably because it's referring to the logo or name or something. Certainly not the processor itself.
u tellin me u have been using a 450MHz system for 5 years?? lol i cant even count how many times i have built myself a new pc in the last 5 years, hehe. im glad to hear u are upgrading tho, im sure u will notice a HUGE difference :)
HardD99 said:
u tellin me u have been using a 450MHz system for 5 years?? lol i cant even count how many times i have built myself a new pc in the last 5 years, hehe. im glad to hear u are upgrading tho, im sure u will notice a HUGE difference :)
I think he meant the last system he built was 5 years ago.

He nay have had more in the meantime (OEM).