Upgrading for xmas


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
atm i have:

p4 2.8ghz
gigabyte ga-8ihxp
512mb rdram
ati 9800 pro
sound blaster audigy
2 80gb maxtor drives
430w antec psu

I mostly play games and with only 512mb of ram i lag durring pvp and when there are a bunch of people around, when i go to cities, etc. To upgrade to 1gb of ram is like $400+ because of my motherboard. So im wanting to change my motherboard and ram. I have the abit ic7-max and corsair 1gb low latency ram picked out which totals $390. Now i probably will not be overclocking much. Are these things needed or can i get cheaper stuff and still play games fine? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
Are you talking about WoW?

If so, the rest of your machine is fine. 1GB of ram would help immensly. Why would it cost $400 for another 512mb? I take it you have RDram at the moment?
WoW, EQ, SWG, most the newer games i play. It costs so much because i only have 2 sticks of 256mbs rdram. I would have to get rid of those and get 2 512 which costs ~$215 per 512 stick of samsung rdram on newegg.
So should i go with it? Or is there a motherboard with similar performance for less $? Also can anyone explain the benefits of the corsair low latency ram? Is it worth the $30 extra? Thanks for the suggestions
rdram just throws out information whether the cpu is ready for it or not. i havent stayed totally up-to-date on all the hardware, so i cant help with answer what MB would be good for ya.
Yeah do what Scycs said. Only thing is I'd get an Asus board instead, but that doesn't matter too much.
What asus board? Would going with the abit ic7-max3 and 1gb mushkin ram be a bad idea? That would cost ~$280. Is the abit to much for what i want to do? Thanks!