Upgraded 7077 to 7100 - still says 7077


Jul 27, 2008
As per subject line, I just upgraded and the little watermark in the RH corner still says 7077. Why?
Instead of upgrade, it is best if you backup your data and make a fresh install.
I really don't want to go through that rigmarole again.

If you are against reinstalling and doing fresh installs often... DO NOT TEST BETA SOFTWARE.

This needs to be said and said again as so many people seem to be deaf to it. Windows 7 is not the final product. You are not entitled to use it for free. This is a test version. It is meant to root out bugs and find fixes before the software is released for sale.

If you do not want to deal with the pain of reinstalls constantly, do not install it.
I really don't want to go through that rigmarole again.

Why are you running a beta OS then?

Upgrades are never advised, the fact you had to edit files to even be able to do it should have given you that hint.
I really don't want to go through that rigmarole again.

So instead you'd rather go through the even LONGER "rigmarole" of upgrading? Yeah, upgrading is totally worth it. :rolleyes:

Clean install FTW.
ive done the upgrade, saved a corrupt vista.. been rocking it for a while, but my zune software doesnt recognize. but right now im gonna do a new install.. just move all my stuff to a outside folder and do a new install from a usb drive.
do what im gonna do right now, just install as a new one.. uninstall all the programs u have on ur current win, move all your stuff into a folder.. install new OS, than defrag. All should be ok and you still have your big porn collection lol