Upgrade to dual processor, reinstall XP pro?


Limp Gawd
Apr 21, 2000
Id like to know if adding a 2nd processor requires a full reinstall of XP pro. I remember something about the kernel being different and it wasnt possible to just add the processor and have it work, but I dunno what OS I read that for (2k or xp). Id like to know before I start installing all the updates to this install if its just gonna be a waste of time.

Side note, if there are any tweaks I should look at for running dual processor let me know. Its a P3 733 setup using rambus PC600.
No need, XP can update the HAL automatically , you might have to go into devmgr and hit update driver and select multi proc hal, but that is the rarity.
Thanks, that means I can go ahead and grab all the updates:) Now I can't wait to try the dual cpus out.
When I added a second cpu to my board I went into device mangler and set it to multi processor system(win 2K server). It worked but had strange errors with things like setting affinity. I suggest a fresh install.
Sometimes a new install is not needed and everything works out just peachy, other cases it doesnt work or it works but is unstable.

I would give it a go, you might get lucky.
Win XP will detect it for you. You don't need to reinstall.
On Windows XP and later, the ACPI Uniprocessor HAL and the MPS Uniprocessor HAL recognize the existence of more than one processor and report the MP ID. Plug and Play detects that the computer devnode's hardware ID list has changed and moves the devnode back through the "found new hardware" detection process. As a result, when you add a second processor the MP files (HAL and kernels) are automatically installed, and you do not have to manually update the driver in Device Manager.
I say backup your data and then try it. Then, atleast if you have to re-install, your ready to do it.
It works perfect:) I reinstalled before they got here, and then they arrived right after the copying files part of the install was done. I didnt have any data to lose since I already lost my old HD a week before the MB had died in my main machine. Anyway, no driver or settings to change, it was automatic. Hopefully after I get all the damn updates I can test out cubase and see a difference.
sappyse107 said:
It works perfect:) I reinstalled before they got here, and then they arrived right after the copying files part of the install was done. I didnt have any data to lose since I already lost my old HD a week before the MB had died in my main machine. Anyway, no driver or settings to change, it was automatic. Hopefully after I get all the damn updates I can test out cubase and see a difference.
Glad it worked out for you. 2K server is a little bit finicky