Upgrade choices in the absence of 5850?


Sep 24, 2007
Hi all... so yet another "what should I upgrade to" post.... don't usually feel the need to post these as normally know what best suits after a bit of browsing on here, but now ... 5850, unavailable /25% msrp premium (UK) ... .. bleh, no idea.

So my 8800gtx crapped out after 18months, cooked it a few times for a temporary fix, but had enough of that now and want something thats not broke.

24inch primary monitor with native res of 1920x1200, specs in sig. Eve Online as main game (sometimes 2 clients windowed @ 1900 & 1024 on 2nd screen) so not too graphically intensive, FPS's for fun/mayhem/stress relief...

Choices seem down to 4870, 4890 or 5770 (screw nvidia & crappy solder issue ). I read the [H] 5770 review where it seems to hold its own mostly & maybe with a bit of driver maturity, but others indicate that could have trouble at 1920.... (which kind of kills the eyefinity bonus if it struggles at that pixel count already I guess) .. also the [H] review paints nicer picture with the 5770 when its cheaper than 4870, whereas in UK its opposite way around and we are looking at +20% for the newer card.

so what's best bang for buck, possibly be a stop-gap card for 6months or so until things sort themselves out..... 4870 @ £105, 5770 @ £125 or 4890 @ £145 ?

sry for long post, but hey, at least no "what res /games" questions ;)
If you're just looking for something for the in-between, I'd probably suggest finding a good deal on a 4850 or 4870. I own a 5770, but I'm not sure if the price premium is worth it if you're looking to upgrade in the next six months or so. It's a good card, and I haven't personally compared it to a 4870, but it does cost more for what is, more or less, the same amount of performance. Even if the FPS occasionally dips below 60, if you're primarily playing MMOs or non-FPS games (or just those occasionally for fun), you should be good with the 4850/70.