Updating pc, questions about win 10


Limp Gawd
May 20, 2007
I saw some other posts on here about upgrading your Pc and reinstalling an upgrade copy of 10, originally 8.1.
There was alot of speculation but no results. So I was curious if anyone has upgraded hardware, motherboard I would think as the important one, and installed 10 with an upgrade key successfully. Or if I should just put 8.1 on again and wait for the upgrade prompt or buy a 10 key outright.
I believe 10 is connected to hardware and will invalidate if hardware changes.
Thanks for any insight anyone can offer!
If you are going to change your motherboard I would recommend doing it first, then reinstall 8.1 then upgrade to 10. If you upgrade to 10 now, then change your motherboard, it will force a reactivation. That means calling Microsoft. Doing the motherboard upgrade first ensures the 10 license is tied to the new board without having to call Microsoft.