Untangle USB NIC?


Jul 12, 2004
I have a small Via EPIA 500Mhz computer that I would like to use as an untangle box. Problem is, it only has one NIC onboard. I need two NICs for my plan to work. There is no space in the case for a PCI card. Are there any USB NICs that are compatible with Untangle?

Any suggestions? I want a small computer to put in my wiring closet with everything. I have FiOS but HATE the router that it comes with. So I'm going to set the router to just be a modem and use untangle for QoS and other advanced features.
I have a small Via EPIA 500Mhz computer that I would like to use as an untangle box. =.

You don't have to worry about not finding a 2nd NIC....the showstopper is the 500MHz.

Now you can look for another computer with a faster processor..and you may find dual NIC support there.
You don't have to worry about not finding a 2nd NIC....the showstopper is the 500MHz.

Now you can look for another computer with a faster processor..and you may find dual NIC support there.

This will be my first untangle box. Is it pretty resource intensive?

I guess I could build out a P4 2.6/ 1G I have laying around and toss in a second NIC. I have spare 3com fast ethernet NICs laying around. No reason to plonk down on a pro 1000PT for a router.

I guess I'll just relegate that old VIA box to mythTV frontend duties
Dont do a USB NIC, they all suck for firewall/router usage as is documented a lot with IPCop and other Distros that support them. I used one for awhile, and it is ok on a slower connection, but has hesitation sometimes and just some all around funnies.

Untangle is also VERY resource intensive compared to many other firewalls/UTM devices. It is a good distro, just needs some balls behind it to run.

If you want a good, small, firewall/router I would recommend the alix boards with something like m0n0wall. They make great little firewalls and are tiny/silent.

They are a bit pricey at around $150-$200, but pretty neat setups.
Yeah, I would. You really need at least a 1.5GHz CPU to run Untangle. 512MB of RAM is fine for a home user buts you have to have some horsepower.
I agree with the rest, Untangle really needs some more resources. It's a great firewall, but it is rather resource intensive compared to others. I ran PFSense on a P3 1.0Ghz with 256MB of RAM beautifully for some time before switching over to a more powerful Untangle box. PFSense or m0n0wall will most likely work with your Via, but you still have the problem of the USB NIC.