Untangle running with onboard nic + pci nic, any problems?


Apr 20, 2007
Well I have an old system that I just installed untangle on, since I wanted to start playing around with it I figured I would install it with the current hardware I had on hand.

This is an old system and I haven't even taken a look at what controller the onboard nic has, it's an old p4 system. My other card is some realtek(i know realtek kinda sucks, but it's what I had on hand.) It does support gigabit so i guess that counts for something.

The way I have my setup is my cable modem> untangle box> connected through WAN port WRT54G(for wireless access for a laptop, and as a switch)>wired network. In the near future I'll be turning my current system into a home server for streaming media and storage. I couldn't get my system to connect to the internet, but i think it's because I hadn't turned DHCP off on the lynksis router.

Hopefully later on i'll be able to get a pair of intel nics, when i do that, will i have to reinstall untangle?
I'm currently running Comodo firewall, once I have untangle setup i feel a bit uneasy turning it off. Will this just create conflicts? I think the more protection the better, but I don't want to affect my network performance especially for online gaming.
Yeah the realteks are aweful....most models will work with Untangle...but the performance will be slow because they're win-nics..(software driven..much like winmodems back in the dial up days).

With Untangle, when you add-remove-change NICs...you do not have to reinstall. Just boot it up, and using the local console..go into the web admin, networking section..you'll see the new network cards detected there, allocate them as you wish.

It looks like you're double NAT'ing with your wrt54 there...I'd uplink one of the LAN ports to the inside NIC of Untangle...let Untangle do your DHCP...make sure DHCP is off on the Stinksys, and make sure its IP address is different, like the Untangle box be .1.
The gigabit Realteks are way better than the 10/100 Realteks. They fixed some of the quality issues with those. I wouldn't worry about it too much for home use, but of course Intel would be better.
Thanks a lot for the feed back, i'll make sure to try it out when i get home. I didn't have time yesterday to change the settings on the router. Oh and yeoldestonecat I read your review on untangle, awesome stuff.
Thanks a lot for the feed back, i'll make sure to try it out when i get home. I didn't have time yesterday to change the settings on the router. Oh and yeoldestonecat I read your review on untangle, awesome stuff.

Wow forgot about that....that was back in the version 5.something days when the management interface was sluggish java.
I use intel nics in everything that can, but I have used realtek onboard(wan) and intel(lan) nics.