Untangle Network Issues


Dec 13, 2010
I am testing untangle in a vpn, gave it 2 NICS, but i cannot seem to configure my network to work on it? help!
Did you find it? Pay attention to the interfaces you assign your VM switch to, and follow the wiki article on Untangles site about configuring promiscuous mode for better performance.
When you put it on esxi you need to enable promiscuous mode.
ok thanks guys, i will research that, i reinstalled vmware and dont have the adapter issues anymore
When you put it on esxi you need to enable promiscuous mode.

Hmm, I didn't have to enable promiscuous mode for my Untangle VM, and it seems to be working. Of course, I'm new to Untangle, so I'm not certain if there is something I should be checking in the logs to verify that things are working correctly...

I installed it as a virtual machine, dedicating one NIC to the WAN port, then passing the internal network port though the vSwitch that my other VMs are connected to. The DMZ virtual network port is connected to an internal-only vswitch just in case I ever have a need for a DMZ'd VM... but I doubt that will happen.

Internet access is working, web-filter light and the spam filter are working and blocking pages (like my wife's coupon sites :rolleyes:... had to add those to the pass list).

In all, I'm pretty impressed, especially for having no knowledge of it and getting it set up in less than 2 hours after the family went to sleep...
Internet access is working, web-filter light and the spam filter are working and blocking pages (like my wife's coupon sites :rolleyes:... had to add those to the pass list).

In all, I'm pretty impressed, especially for having no knowledge of it and getting it set up in less than 2 hours after the family went to sleep...

Or unblocking facebook or other shopping sites like mine :)

BTW i think we all setup / play / learn on our home network when every one is sleeping :)

( i do Kinda ) Hence why i have 2 networks, one for home with all my servers voip phone server etc etc one one that stays up ( protect by Untangle.

And other one is a dedicated box with a WAP & switch for messing around with different firewall os's etc etc.