University Project - Feedback Wanted


May 31, 2005
Hey Guys,

As part of my 2nd year work at Lincoln University (UK) I have had to create a website in flash. The brief was labelled "Designing For The User", and as part of the project I need to get some feedback on the site. I would be most grateful if you could have a look and tell me what you think (preferably constructive criticism lol, but if you think its pants then you are free to say so! lol)

Here's my site, although not 100% finished (I'm still tweaking it here and there)

So if you would be as kind...

Click Here

(Once on the site you want to be mainly looking at the LOST section as that’s what has the content in)

--The marking of the site is not content based; it’s based on the usability, interaction, user feedback, originality etc... This is why some areas are lacking content at the moment--


Chris. ;)
Not bad, I must say I think that House is a Kick-Arss show and your site look very cool (not just cuz it has house on it)
Well implemented..not sure if you're there yet but some better transitions between pages and for the menus might be in order.
i like the remote idea but it should do more than just have the menu button on it.