Uncharted: Drakes Fortune Reviewed. IGN (9.1)


Nov 22, 2004

I don't know if any of you have played the demo, but I really really enjoyed that game. I can't wait to play the full version (among the other 8+ games I have to get that are going to bankrupt me which also got excellent reviews).

I liked the this quote at the end," Say what you will about the PS3, but Uncharted isn't just a standout for Sony -- it's a standout for gaming as a whole."
I really liked the demo - great game all around, and amazing graphics. Can't wait to get this on Tuesday :) Regarding the review, I'm amazed IGN gave it a 9 for graphics, docking a point for minor screen tearing and popup. IMO Uncharted has the best graphics of any next gen console game to date :confused:
I played the demo and aside from the slight tearing I would say it is the best I have yet seen, but I agree with the 9, I'm going to pick this one up next week for sure
maybe screenshots don't do it justice, but I don't see best graphics to date for a console at all.
regardless of whether they are the best graphics or not, they are colorful F***ing next gen graphics. which is what counts. its about time.
maybe screenshots don't do it justice, but I don't see best graphics to date for a console at all.

They don't. Watching everything play out in motion is really amazing. It's seriously some of the best graphics I've seen in a videogame. The shadows are very well done.
I played the demo and liked it, but it still wasnt on my list to buy just because its not my style of game.

However, after reading the reviews and considering that I did enjoy the demo, I think i may end up picking this up. Along with Assassins Creed and Mass Effect Next week, i dont know how im going to get all this gaming done. Im still working on Ratchet too!

These 4 games alone are the reason you buy a 360 AND a PS3. Just too much good gaming to go around not to be able to enjoy everything.
The demo looks good, but the best looking next-gen game? I'm not sure anything on the console has topped Gears yet. The only game even in the same league might be Bioshock. If you count the PC, nothing will be able to touch Crysis for quite some time.
Anyway the game DOES look really neat. It plays well, too. Imagine Gears of War's "cover and shoot" style of gameplay mixed in with Tomb Raider and even a little bit of Far Cry.
I'm picking up 3-4 games next week and after the demo, this is definitely one of them.
The game got a 9/10 from Eurogamer and a 4.5/5 from Gamespy.

The demo rocked and I'm glad to see it get pretty good reviews so far. I can't wait to get the game soon.:D I'm glad to see many reviewers mentioning its impressive graphics, because it's definitely the best looking game I've seen on a console.
Eurogamer confirms that this is one of the best looking titles of this generation so far. Amazing.

I haven't played the demo, as I already know I'm going to be playing this game and I don't want any spoilers. But I'm excited as hell to get it. I still may rent it though, as it's only 8 hours long.
Eurogamer confirms that this is one of the best looking titles of this generation so far. Amazing.

I haven't played the demo, as I already know I'm going to be playing this game and I don't want any spoilers. But I'm excited as hell to get it. I still may rent it though, as it's only 8 hours long.

I envy you people who think a game that is 8 hours long is only worth a rental :(

That would take me about two weeks to get through! I'm glad it's under 10, as games that are 20 + hours long I simply just don't have the time to finish these days.
Eurogamer confirms that this is one of the best looking titles of this generation so far. Amazing.

I haven't played the demo, as I already know I'm going to be playing this game and I don't want any spoilers. But I'm excited as hell to get it. I still may rent it though, as it's only 8 hours long.

8 hours WITHOUT doing any side quests, etc etc.
Good news guys, I just picked up some crap from Gamestop and asked about Uncharted's release date while I was there. The guy assured me it would be in this Saturday afternoon :)
8 hours is okay with me as long as it's a solid 8-hours. I'd rather have that than a game that has 15 hours, but only 5 of them are worthwhile. For instance Quake 4 was twice as long as Prey, yet the last 5-6 levels were a complete bore.
Give me a short but sweet game (a la God of War) rather than a long lousy one.
Not every game can be like Resident Evil 4 :)
I'm perfectly happy with the length of Uncharted. I haven't even beat Ratchet yet and already have several games to play. I also don't have a lot of free time, so I'm glad the game isn't too long. I rather have a memorable short experience than a long and monotonous one any day IMO.
8 hours is okay with me as long as it's a solid 8-hours. I'd rather have that than a game that has 15 hours, but only 5 of them are worthwhile. For instance Quake 4 was twice as long as Prey, yet the last 5-6 levels were a complete bore.
Give me a short but sweet game (a la God of War) rather than a long lousy one.
Not every game can be like Resident Evil 4 :)

Agreed. And that's exactly what the Eurogamer review said of this game. That it's "only" 8 hours because there's no bullshit or fluff in it. Just solid awesomeness.
8 hours is okay with me as long as it's a solid 8-hours. I'd rather have that than a game that has 15 hours, but only 5 of them are worthwhile. For instance Quake 4 was twice as long as Prey, yet the last 5-6 levels were a complete bore.
Give me a short but sweet game (a la God of War) rather than a long lousy one.
Not every game can be like Resident Evil 4 :)

I agree to a point. Short games aren't bad, but to me they just aren't worth the full $60. If a game is within 5-8 hours and has no multiplayer, then it makes a great rental. Why pay $60 for the experience when you can pay $5.
I ended up preordering Uncharted today at GS. I heard rumors some stores may be getting the game early (although Sony says otherwise). If I get it this weekend, awesome, but if I don't, that's all right.
I envy you people who think a game that is 8 hours long is only worth a rental :(

That would take me about two weeks to get through! I'm glad it's under 10, as games that are 20 + hours long I simply just don't have the time to finish these days.

Rent from Blockbuster. They give you a 7 day grace period. So a 5 day rental is really 12 days. If you want to keep it longer, they give you another 30 day grace period to return it for a $1.25 restocking fee before they charge you for the game.

I have blockbuster.com membership. For less than $20 a month after tax, I can rent 3 of their DVDs (hd-dvd and blu-ray too!) and have 2 coupons a month to rent games or videos through their store. New members only get 1 coupon now, but it's still not a bad deal.
I envy you people who think a game that is 8 hours long is only worth a rental :(

That would take me about two weeks to get through! I'm glad it's under 10, as games that are 20 + hours long I simply just don't have the time to finish these days.

Sure, but an 8 hour game is an 8 hour game, whether you beat it in one sitting or over a period of a month. I don't argue that 8 hours is a sweet spot for some games though, especially if it's of good quality. It's just I play through so many damn games that, financially wise, it's just not a smart move buying them all. So I guess renting for me is about the money I save.

If a game is some epic RPG or has a ton of replay value, then I'll probably buy it. i.e. Mass Effect.
Sure, but an 8 hour game is an 8 hour game, whether you beat it in one sitting or over a period of a month. I don't argue that 8 hours is a sweet spot for some games though, especially if it's of good quality. It's just I play through so many damn games that, financially wise, it's just not a smart move buying them all. So I guess renting for me is about the money I save.

If a game is some epic RPG or has a ton of replay value, then I'll probably buy it. i.e. Mass Effect.

8-10 hours is about the longest my attention span for a non RPG/Racing game lasts.
So thats perfect for me. Heavenly Sword ringing in around 5-6 hours was def too short for me to spend 60 bucks on. But ill be picking up uncharted after all the good reviews.
For me, I'd rather play a good short game again. Longer games tend to rarely get any replay from me, just because they tend to drag in places. Resident Evil 4's the only "long" game I've ever played through several times. However I've completed God of War, Gears of War, Quake 1, Half-Life 2, Condemned, etc. many times.
I'd prefer a game that's balls to the way exciting from beginning to end, even if it's short.
If you're a renter, isn't it nice to be able to complete a game in a week? Maybe that's just me, but I like to go completely through games. If I really like them, THEN I might play again and try to get better or take different approaches.
Even though my wallet is hurting for games i like, i just think if you like a game you should buy it rather than rent.
I'll be getting this as soon as I get my pay check next wed. untill then I play AC. :)
I just don't see the point in "buying" a game like this instead of renting...

What would I do with it after I beat it? I'm not the kind of person to play a game again after I have beaten it once.
I just don't see the point in "buying" a game like this instead of renting...

What would I do with it after I beat it? I'm not the kind of person to play a game again after I have beaten it once.
If it's a game I really like, I'll have the urge to play it again or go back to certain portions. Also, by buying the game, you support the publisher/developer for their work and hopefully the game gets a sequel because of that.

I'm looking at checking GS later today to see if they got it in.
If it's a game I really like, I'll have the urge to play it again or go back to certain portions. Also, by buying the game, you support the publisher/developer for their work and hopefully the game gets a sequel because of that.

They make money off you renting it at blockbuster too (I know not each time)...If they didn't then they wouldn't let blockbuster have it...
If it's a game I really like, I'll have the urge to play it again or go back to certain portions. Also, by buying the game, you support the publisher/developer for their work and hopefully the game gets a sequel because of that.

I'm looking at checking GS later today to see if they got it in.

I think if the short games with no multiplayer trend continues, then I would like to see sales go down until either 1. The prices drop to account for the low play time or 2. they increase the length of the game.

If a game is too short and sales are hurt by that because people don't want to buy it, good. I'd like to see the trend reverse. If 5-6 hours is the right length for the game for it to remain good through the end, that's fine, but drop the price. 5-6 hours is just not worth $60 to me. That is in the $40 range, tops. If I really like the game, I'll wait until the used market is flooded with them and I'll pick it up for $30 or so.
can't vouch for all blockbusters but for the one that I decided to rent CoD4 & Resistance from I noticed in my bank account they had put a hold on the full worth of the games (140 bucks or so) that wouldn't be removed until the games were returned. Then after they were returned it took 2-3 calls to the main corporate office to actually get it taken off hold in my checking account (this was 4 days after I returned the games, within the alloted time btw)
can't vouch for all blockbusters but for the one that I decided to rent CoD4 & Resistance from I noticed in my bank account they had put a hold on the full worth of the games (140 bucks or so) that wouldn't be removed until the games were returned. Then after they were returned it took 2-3 calls to the main corporate office to actually get it taken off hold in my checking account (this was 4 days after I returned the games, within the alloted time btw)

Hmm....the one I rent from usually calls me and says you need to return it within two days or we are going to have to charge your card until you bring it back in. Which is usually after I have had it for 2 weeks...(I still have CoD4 out and its been 12 days since I rented it lol)
So that I can take all the time in the world beating it, if I want to.
So that I can take all the time in the world beating it, if I want to.

thats why i dont ever rent games. I also dont ever buy mediocre games. I like to play a game whenever i want and not feel like i have to blow through it before a rental is due.
I picked this up from Gamestop yesterday.. got the only non-preorder copy in the store. I played about 5 hours or so, the game says I'm 55% complete and I'm on Chapter 10 of 22 chapters.

This game has been one hell of a ride. For me, this is the kind of game that I think of when someone says "next-gen". Not only the graphics, but the sound quality is so far beyond anything else I've played (supposedly supports 7.1, but I'm listening to it in 5.1.. but it is DTS, which sounds amazing), the voice overs are top notch, it has a really interesting story so far and great characters.

I feel like I'm playing an Indiana Jones movie and the whole experience has been seamless. Cutscenes start instantly and gameplays starts immediately after they end.

The only negative thing that I can say about it so far is that I'm getting a little tired of shootouts with the pirates and hope they change it up a bit soon.
I picked this up from Gamestop yesterday.. got the only non-preorder copy in the store. I played about 5 hours or so, the game says I'm 55% complete and I'm on Chapter 10 of 22 chapters.

This game has been one hell of a ride. For me, this is the kind of game that I think of when someone says "next-gen". Not only the graphics, but the sound quality is so far beyond anything else I've played (supposedly supports 7.1, but I'm listening to it in 5.1.. but it is DTS, which sounds amazing), the voice overs are top notch, it has a really interesting story so far and great characters.

I feel like I'm playing an Indiana Jones movie and the whole experience has been seamless. Cutscenes start instantly and gameplays starts immediately after they end.

The only negative thing that I can say about it so far is that I'm getting a little tired of shootouts with the pirates and hope they change it up a bit soon.
I definitely agree with you. As big of a Ratchet fan I am, this game just amazes me more (actually, this IS the next gen game to amaze me the most). Everything from the graphics, sound, storytelling, etc. is near perfection. I think the shooting could use some work, but still pretty good.

I just can't tell anyone how impressed I am with this game. I can't remember the last time I felt this way over a game.
I think if the short games with no multiplayer trend continues, then I would like to see sales go down until either 1. The prices drop to account for the low play time or 2. they increase the length of the game.

If a game is too short and sales are hurt by that because people don't want to buy it, good. I'd like to see the trend reverse. If 5-6 hours is the right length for the game for it to remain good through the end, that's fine, but drop the price. 5-6 hours is just not worth $60 to me. That is in the $40 range, tops. If I really like the game, I'll wait until the used market is flooded with them and I'll pick it up for $30 or so.

Too bad games can't ever be like this. I feel like when a developer puts all of their resources together to make a game then it does cost a lot of money. I don't know why a game HAS to be long in order for it to be good. It's like shadow of the colossus.. they could have made the game a lot longer by adding trash mobs on the way to each giant, but they didn't. You just need to figure out that long game != good one. Would you rather have 8 hours of pure enjoyment or 8 hours of enjoyment with 10 more hours of shit? But of course, there are exceptions (RE4). Developers want to WOW everyone with the games they put out.. if not by innovation, then by storytelling and graphics.