Unable to use Ghost across network


Jul 22, 2001
This is odd. Ever since I installed my new laptop drive I cannot use Ghost to backup across my network (fresh install of WinXP Pro). I have a USB drive attached to my desktop machine where I do backups to. This has worked fine in the past. I'm using Ghost under Norton Systemworks Premier 2005. When I select the drive I want to backup to (while on the laptop) I get asked to login in with the Domain/User Name/Password. I never takes. I never even had a password setup on my desktop previous. I added one today and tried again. But, still no luck. If I try to backup from my desktop to my laptop to an attached USB drive it works fine. WTF?

Sometimes it's something simple but I'm certainly stuck.

Any ideas?
I unshared the USB drive attached to my desktop. Restarted Windows (likely unnecessary) and then reshared the drive. Now I can access the desktop USB drive without even entering any network network info (domain/user/pwd).