Unable to copy file - rant.


Jun 15, 2003
I am sure that all Windows users have experienced this before; you are transferring data from once source to another and get to about 3 minutes left (if there is a corrupt file it always seems to be transferred at the end :() and you get a pause and the time starts creeping up. The transfer eventually stops and tells you that file ******.xxx is not readable or corrupt and your only option is to cancel, go back and try to find out where the transfer left off so you can continue moving your data (minus the corrupt file).

I just wish that there was a dare I say it “Skip File?” button so that you can skip that file and continue to move your data, and wait till after the transfer to find the corrupt file. And not have the transfer crap out in the middle due to one screwy file.

This would be amazing.

Why Not!!.JPG

xcopy /c [/s] source destdir


Sometimes using the command line is easier.
I gotta agree with pxc. Xcopy is just more stable than explorer. Fewer moving parts ya know.
robocopy is even better. Restartable with automatic retry on failure.