Ubuntu failure to boot (system works fine with Vista)


Jan 27, 2007
Need some help guys. I am trying to play with some Linux software so I fugured I would throw in my Ubuntu LiveCD and test it before converting the computer to Linux. (this machine's sole purpose is to run CFD so if I find better software in Linux then I'll change OS's)

It goes through to the selection page of whether to start Ubuntu, Start with safe graphics, etc, etc. and when I select "start Ubuntu" it tries to load and goes back to the black screen showing "booting kernel" or something to that effect and just stalls.

Any ideas?

BTW- this is a Core2Duo e6600 on an ASUS mobo, 74g Raptor with 6g RAM (3 x 2g sticks). Should I try taking some RAM out?? The drive already has Vista installed on it but should that make any difference since I am trying to boot from a CD and not trying to install Ubuntu?

can you provide a bit more info abt how it wouldn't boot? ie the last messages

also did it install fine?
It doesn't give an error message, it just goes through the "decompressing Linux...done" then "Booting the kernel" and from there switches to the Ubuntu screen showing "loading drivers" at the bottom and such. After that it reverts back to the screen showing Booting the kernel and just sits there, nothing further.

And I'm not installing it, I just hit the button marked "start or install ubuntu" and I haven't gotten to the selction of running or installing yet.
plx give me your motherboard model, I already know what the probable error is, now I am not 100% cause I don't know your motherboard, but on the latest intel chipsets they dropped the IDE controller and as such boards use th jmicron IDE controller, the kernel has difficulty with it, on 6.10, 6.06 (wont read IDE drives) and 7.04 works fine though.

If you use a pata to sata converter on your optical drive, and install and then update the kernel :\
Here's the mobo:
ASUS P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP LGA 775 Intel P965 Express

If this is the problem then do I need to get a newer version of Ubuntu? (I have 6.06.1) Or do I just need to get a different build of Linux?

you can try 6.10 but that seems to be hit or miss on some boards, or you can try 7.04 herd4 which is due in april.

and yes you have a board with the jmicron IDE controller, you can install if you use a Sata optical drive. or like I said a pata to sata converter.
Urrr that chip is a POS!!!! even tho it is in the kernel now, it is still a POS, even windows has issue's with it, major issues (before the MS funboys jump on this)

Since you have the system installed (and thus it is a kernel-booting issue), there is a way to actually upgrade the kernel but I am not aware of yr experience

it basically involves booting off a liveCD (the one used to install is fine) and chrooting to yr system, from there download a new kernel source and configure

Again this is pretty advance and unless Ubuntu provide a deb for a newer kernel (which could be applied to a chroot) it might be an idea as As_I_Lay_Dying says and get the herd
I'm not sure I understand the problem... The IDE drive is not being driven properly? So are you saying I should use a pata - sata converter and run the drive in a sata slot??

What exactly is herd??

Also, I believe there has been some confusion, I have not installed Ubuntu, I am trying to boot it off a liveCD and I can't even get past that.

So basically I will not get Ubuntu (or maybe even other Linux versions0 to boot on this machine unless I use a pata-sata converter?
I'm not sure I understand the problem... The IDE drive is not being driven properly? So are you saying I should use a pata - sata converter and run the drive in a sata slot??

What exactly is herd??

Also, I believe there has been some confusion, I have not installed Ubuntu, I am trying to boot it off a liveCD and I can't even get past that.

So basically I will not get Ubuntu (or maybe even other Linux versions0 to boot on this machine unless I use a pata-sata converter?

ok, the CD ROM is on an IDE channel right, so what happens is the motherboard boots the Linux kernel, and then when the linux kernel is ready, the problem is that it cant read any more information off the cd. If you want to install to an IDE HDD you are gonna need to put both the CDROM (optical drive) and the IDE HDD on a pata to sata converter.

If you wanna boot that cdrom, you need to put it on a pata to sata converter.
Ah, I understand now. That's a bit of a crapper but I guess there are worse things in life...

I appreciate all the help guys!
Ah, I understand now. That's a bit of a crapper but I guess there are worse things in life...

I appreciate all the help guys!

yup those chips have been the bane of quite a few ppl's lives (have at look at the MSI forums and esp ASUS)

dropping PATA support on the board in the long-run is a good thing, but when the bridge to make it easier (until ppl have all SATA drives) is crap what can people do?

luckly when I upgraded my PC I replaced all my drives (optical and HD) with SATA and thus I don't go near my JMicron chip

Gentoo is one solution (there is a special LiveCD which has JMicron support so the kernel can boot and thus can install) or wait until April when the next wave of FedoraCore and Ubuntu come out
Yeah, it seems pretty stupid to drop support for the basic stuff before the next generation (ie. SATA optical drives) is mainstream. I mean they're def on their way in, but they aren't here yet... Oh well, I'm going to load Ubuntu on the drive in a different machine and then swap it over and see what happens.

Thanks agian