Two internet connections on one switch


Limp Gawd
Apr 12, 2004
I have two internet connections, ones dsl and the other is cable. The dsl is using a d-link router while the cable is on a pfsense router. Right now the DSL connection is connected to my switch and is providing internet access to everyone connected on my LAN(including voip). What i want to do is use the DSL connection for regular internet use and have the CABLE connection dedicated to VOIP traffic. On my switch, Port 1-6 is computer connections and 7-12 is voip connections. If i plug them both into my pfsence box, would i accomplish what i am looking to do? I'm not too familiar with pfsence (or any other open source routers), just installed it and giving it some test runs before i put it into production.

The switch is a netgear GS724T
After taking just a brief look at the switch it looks like you might be able to. Basically create a new vlan for your VOIP traffic, assign the switchports to that port and make the pfsense box the gateway for that vlan. for your internet traffic just leave it on the default vlan with the dsl router as the gw.
You just need to configure two VLANs.
This will get your the illusion of having two switches.

Each VLAN needs as many ports as you need + 1.
Or you could just configure them on different subnets if you cannot get the VLANs working (although that is the preferred method).
Awesome. I actually thought about VLANS but i don't know anything about it so didn't know if that would work. Gonna give that a shot and see how it goes. Thanks :D