Turning port 8888 into 80


Jun 25, 2004
So I am hosting a site on my computer on port 888, as outgoing port 80 has recently been blocked by my ISP for security reasons. The site works fine (and yes, I am allowed to have it), however some people that try to access it cannot, because their firewalls block incoming port 888. Now I'm not trying to circumvent anything here, I'm just wondering if there are any free or pay DNS services out there that will transform my outgoing port 888 into port 80 (I'm guessing they won't be free, but you never know). I'm using zoneedit.com now. Does anyone know of such things? Is there a previous thread I can refer to? Thanks in advance for the info...

You would have to do PAT I believe, and to do this, you would need access to your ISP's firewall/router. Not gonna happen :(
yeah, of course that would be ideal, and very direct, but not gonna happen. I'm asking if there is a service that could do it for me (ie they read the page on port 888 and broadcast it on port 80)


edit: okay, will check out dyndns...
I think any such mapping you do will run you back into problems with your ISP blocking 80. If it's 80 to them, it's 80 to everyone, and your ISP puts the hammer down.

Here's a possibility, though: run port 443. There's less chance your ISP has blocked it, and since it's used for SSL, there's a slim chance the other firewall has blocked it.

Usual disclaimer applies, though -- if port 80 is blocked, your TOS probably prohibit active servers on your connection.
Hmmm, the webhop feature on dyndns only does what I can do already, make another domain name and have a frame that points to the real web page. So this means that data is coming in through port 888 still.

Okay, wait a second, if I am trying to access a page on port 888 (www.stuff.com:888) does that mean the web page is sending me the data on port 888, or am i sending my request to retrieve the web page on port 888? Or both? if I cannot access the page, is my incoming or outgoing port 888 blocked? Man, I'm a newb at this...

Your request to server happens on 888. Server responses are elsewhere. Check "netstat -a" for details.
okay, I see, so my problem is then this: people need to send a request on port 888 to my site, but their firewall blocks that outgoing port, and it never gets to my site... so how the fuck do I get around that? hahaha, this is funny... so I need to set up something where people can send a request on port 80 (to somewhere other than my server, because it has INCOMING port 80 blocked) and this somewhere sends a request on port 888 to my server... is such a thing even possble? then I gotta worry about the return path... whow...


edit: hmm, looking at www.dynip.com now....
Read my response above. Also, don't worry about server return ports.
right, I read the post but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with netstat. how does that tell me how I can send a request to the server? sorry, I am newb at this... if there's somewhere I can read up on it...
