Trying to extend wifi. Failing.


Limp Gawd
Nov 21, 2005
Main router: Asus RT-N16 running dd-wrt build 18024 mega.
Extension: Edimax BR-6228Ns

Goal: Extend wifi coverage. Would like to have same SSID, transparent to clients, etc.

Problems so far:

(1) I tried setting up the edimax first as just a repeater but it didn't seem to do anything at all. Signal strength (measured with WiEye off android device) was identical before/after.

(2) Connecting the two units via wire has led to the whole network becoming unusable, IPs not gettings assigned, conflict errors, even though DHCP is turned off on the edimax and turned on on the asus (I initially assumed that was why).

I'm not sure where I'm going wrong and I'm sure there are some problems with how I have configured them.

Help please. I can give more info if needed. Wasn't sure what else to include.
Did you change the LAN IP on the second unit? If they are both set as it will cause problems......

Also if you want to use the second unit as an AP, make sure you plug the cable in to a switch port and not the WAN port. Looks like you already disabled DHCP on the second unit.
Did you change the LAN IP on the second unit? If they are both set as it will cause problems......

Also if you want to use the second unit as an AP, make sure you plug the cable in to a switch port and not the WAN port. Looks like you already disabled DHCP on the second unit.

Yes, each unit has a unique IP.

I tried both plugging into a lan port on the edimax, which caused instability, and wan port. I was able to get a kind of frankenstein setup for a little while when I tried it in a wan port where I could connect to the internet through the edimax (that was being provided by the asus) but clients on the seperate routers could not see each other. Something connecting through the asus wouldn't see something connected through the edimax. Which I'm guessing is because it was in the wan port.... up vs down... "isolation"....

Tried that. It basically asks you to select by SSID what network to repeat. I walked through it and saw zero difference in signal strength. Not 1 dBm in difference. EDIT: I'll get a screencap of it later to show you how the interface looks.
Does each unit have a separate IP on the same subnet or did you put them on different subets?
I would try a different AP/router for the second unit and see if you still have the same issues. Sounds like the Edimax is a POS as it looks as if everything is configured correctly.
To use as a seamless repeater make sure:
1. Same SSID
2. Same Password
3. Different channels

Give that a try.