trouble with msconfig and adware


Limp Gawd
Feb 10, 2005
well now where do i start my comp is really mess up...REALLY messed up with adware ive tried everything i think the prob. is that every time i go into msconfig to make it so that the adware isnt running on start never changes it when i hit ok....any thoughts? it bad to reformat my hard drive all the time...i.e. twice a tree times scince x-mass 04
There are processes running that keep those settings alive. I've had troubles with WTOOLS.EXE and WSUP.EXE doing that sort of thing. Both processes keep each other alive, as well as keep 2 entries in the HKLM/software/microsoft/windows/current version/run/ Spyware utilities that you'll find in the post the previous guy wrote should take care of the problem. I'd also recommend not using Internet Explorer to do your browsing in the future, unless you can fortify it enough to keep things from installing themselves. But that's a lesson in itself.
Ummm adaware doesn't have a start up plug in, it only runs when you tell it to so im a little confused on that part.

Reformating isn't doing physical harm, its just a total bitch having to rebuild but sometimes if your PC is that trashed, its better then loosing sanity and time trying to fix it, trust me on this one. ;)