Trouble with DvD-Drive


Jan 2, 2005
My DvD drive won't spin down automatically anymore (if I issue the "stop command with i.e Nero's DriveSpeed it stops). It's not the drive itself causing the trouble, as I already replaced it. Any suggestions what I can do besides a clean reinstall?
You could try looking the drive up on the internet and finding its drivers. I was pretty shocked they actually had their own drivers, didn't think there would be for dvd players.
Could be a problem in the registry. When you go to Device Manager, does it give any error codes or anything?
No errors in the device manager.

I doubt it's a firmware issue, as the DvD-drive I replaced was a different brand and had the same issues.

Is there a registry entry (XP) that manages the spin-down on inactivity?
it might be your flat cable, check if it has cuts or if it is twisted in a wrong way, might also be your mobo, update its BIOS