Trouble coping large files across home network


Ravenufo's Macs
Feb 28, 2001
I am trying to copy a 6 Gig file across my network from my Vista Ultimate x64 box to either my wife's Vista Home or WinXP box. I am getting an error, in usually under a minute, that states something like the source file could not be found and asks if I want to try again.

Anybody have a clue what this is? I can't copy large files through my network so I had to use a USB drive that took forever.
Is it a single 6gb file? Are your drives on xp ntfs or fat32?
Yes, single 6 Gig file. My box is NTFS while the file system I am copying to is fat32.
Fat32 doesn't support any files 4gb or larger. You can't copy a 6gb file onto a drive using fat32.
i curious as to what results he got trying to use the USB drive then. :confused:

My USB drive is formatted as NTFS.
I was able to copy it off of the USB drive onto the HP laptop running Vista which I assume uses NTFS from the factory?
I'm at work and it is my wife's laptop so I don't remember if it is fat32 or NTFS.
Vista uses ntfs by default unless maybe you did an upgrade from xp that was already fat? Not real sure on what it did in that case, but you had a choice during a fresh install with xp to use ntfs or fat32. I'm not sure about the error you were getting copying to your vista machine, unless you have more than one hd partition and the one you were copying to was fat32, otherwise it wasn't a fat issue, but something else entirely.
One other thing I will add, to eliminate any wireless issues I had the laptop plugged into the switch directly and I still couldn't copy the file from my PC to the laptop.