Torrents will not upload after new ethernet card install


Limp Gawd
Dec 26, 2005
I just installed a new network card. It works great for downloading, but now when I try to upload the torrents, nothing happens. Should I try a different version of uTorrent, or try a different program?
thats my thoughts

you had a port forwarding rule

new network probably changed ip's

change your ip to match the old address, or update the port forwarding rule in your router
Nope, everything is the same as the old ethernet card. I can download torrents just like before, it just will not upload and I have no clue why,
Sorry to bump this but I am still having trouble with this. I reinstalled uTorrent, and it worked for about a day. I have no clue whats going on. I'm thinking of going back to the internal adapter, this being the second gigabit router I have used that has had transfer problems with my server. I don't this I'm ever going to be able to use gigabit with this system.