Top 5 FPS games


Apr 25, 2007
I'm going to have some time this summer, so I'm looking for a couple of games to burn my time with. What're the top 5 first person shooting games in your opinion? I have Battlefield 2 and I've been playing it for a while now. I need something new.
1. Call of Duty: United Offensive
2. Call of Duty 2
3. Call of Duty
4. Call of Duty 3
5. Call of Duty: Finest Hour like Call of Duty, eh? :D

Hard to say how many hours of my life I've devoted to those games. I didn't have most of my hours recorded on xfire, but xfire has about 300 hours of my gameplay recorded.
Far Cry
Condemned Criminal Origins
Call of Juarez

All are very good won't be disappointed. So good that i even replayed all of them...currently right now replaying Stalker

Call of Duty games are very boring.
Hm.. in no particular order.


Hm... Those are my two big ones at the moment. Both of the source games arent bad either, however.
1. System Shock 2
2. Half-Life 2
3. MoH: Allied Assault

Also check out FEAR, STALKER, Quake 4, PREY, and Bioshock (when it comes out).
the "Chronicles of Riddick" is also a good FPS a little dated, but still looks good
I'm detecting some hate for COD in this thread. May I ask why?
It's not bad, it's just repetitive. You can only single-handedly destroy the German army so many times before it gets old.
Stalker (assuming you willing to wade out the bugs)
F.E.A.R (great for both SP and MP, some would disagree with me for MP however)
Half life 2 (get a copy that comes with CS source as well. )
HL2 ep1 (possibly some sort of package deal with HL2)
Farcry (always good, has the best implementation of HDR in my opinion, HL2 ep1 is close second)
It's not bad, it's just repetitive. You can only single-handedly destroy the German army so many times before it gets old.

you can say that for any game. i.e. the BF series...BF2142 is BF2 with new skins, which is BF Vietnam with new skins, which is BF1942 with new skins. i'm over it.
STALKER has been doing the best job lately at keeping my attention. I enjoyed FEAR and I'm a fan of Valve's work so you should play HL2 and it's expansion.

Going back a little further I thought that Far Cry was outstanding.

I'm detecting some hate for COD in this thread. May I ask why?

It's not hate for COD, it's amusement at your exuberance.
So, I gather the consensus is that HL2 is pretty good. Since I mainly play online, how is its multiplayer feature?

Oh, I'll almost definitely get Quake 4, for old time's sake.
1. Half-Life 1
2. Deus Ex
3. System Shock 2
4. Chronicles of Riddick
5. Far Cry

Barely missed my top 5: Quake 2, Doom 3, Painkiller, The Suffering

Possible new entries into my top 5: Crysis, BioShock, Hellgate London, Armed Assault
I'm guessing you want "newer" games. Cuz here's my top 5 and it doesn't include all newer games.
These are in no particular order.

1) Descent / Descent 2 / Descent
Descent 1 and 2 are currently developed by free source coders for improvements and playability in windows so you don't need to use a DOS OS or Windows 95/98 anymore. I thought I would post that for the people that are gonna say "you can't play it anymore". Cuz I still play it from time to time on Kali. And it works great.

2) Half Life - 2. One of the most enjoyable Single player experiences I've ever had. I also enjoy Counter Strike Source that comes with it (multiplayer game). What's good (or bad by some people's opinions) is that these games are auto updated by Steam. I think it's good because updates and whatnot are easily had. No searching or wading through popups to find them.

3) Call of Duty 2. One of the most competiive online multiplayer games IMO. Never played it much Single Player...but it did win "Game of the Year" I believe so it mustn't be too awful bad.

4) FEAR Combat (which can be had for free BTW). Alot of fun multiplayer. The maps are a bit mundane at times, but it's still hella fun to run around taking people out with boots to the head. Basically if you don't think this game is fun, then it's probably just because you suck.

5) I had to think about this one. My initial impulse was to put Unreal Tournament 2004 here. However, then I thought about some of the games I used to waste hours upon hours pwning n00bs on. And the game Tactical Ops came to mind. Anyone remember that one? It was originally a mod for...I think Unreal Tournament the original. They then released the game as a stand alone. I think that more or less ruined the online gaming community following of this game. Eventually you HAD to buy the retail version to play the game.
There is now a Tactical Ops : Crossfire in which they tried to recreate the original Tactical Ops as a mod of Unreal Tournament 2004. I don't like it....there aren't many that do apparently because there are only a few online servers and sometimes they are all empty.
I really enjoy Prey, but there also isn't a huge online following for that game. When I first played this highly anticipated (by me, anyway) title, I thought "Game of the Year" material. I really enjoyed the single player in this game as well. The downfall is the extreme lagginess of the online experience. "NSRB: Game experience may change online". No joke. If you get 100 fps single player in this game, expect about 20 in a multiplayer game. And expect alot of other laggy gamers warping around the room and expect it to be nearly impossible to hit anyone. Weak.
Another game I thought had alot of potential was Warpath. But it's too much like Unreal Tournament to reward this game anything for originality. It was like some company just decided they wanted to make a clone FPS game. Never heard of Warpath? I'm not suprised. It was delayed for about a year or more. By the time it came out, nobody cared anymore.

Doom 2 should be on this list somewhere I think...oh..and Painkiller.
single player:
no one lives forever
half-life 1 + expansion packs
half-life 2 + episodes
jedi knight
call of duty
honorable mention: Deus Ex and System Shock 2 (not really pure fps)

call of duty (havent played 2 online)
1.Counter Strike: Source
2.Counter Strike: Source
3.Counter Strike: Source
4.Counter Strike: Source
5.Counter Strike: Source
the only ones I play right now are stalker for singleplayer and cs 1.6 for multi. Waiting to finish stalker before trying graw and hitman. I say go for a different kind of fps, i.e. stalker and hitman, if you are looking for something new. You can spend hours in stalker btw if you roam and are willing to play through again.
i forgot to mention Serious Sam and Serious Sam: Second Encounter. truly amazing experiences, you fight hundreds (if not thousands) of enemies at the same time.
lol i also love source too!
my top 10
1.half life (1&2, the episodes)
2.counterstrike( 1.6 and source)
3.rainbow six raven sheild! (it got me into pc games! i love it with all my life for that!) of duty 2(one of the best online gamage! anyone can play it, sometimes i let my friends that have never touched pc games play it, ye they suck, but they still like it)
5.BF(all of them, except Vietnam, never liked it)
6. STALKER(lol it, such a cool idea, and it took forever to make it)
7.halo(its way better on pc! one of the best pc games)
8. fear
9.joint operations(both of them)
10. delta force blackhawk down
2.Serious Sam 1st/2nd Encounters
3.Far Cry
5.Quake 4 can change the viewpoint in Oblivion to be a FPS can't you? :)

Not a rankin

1. Doom Series (loved em all :))
2. HL Series
3. Blood
4. Clive Barker's Undying
5. Counter Strike


6. Wolfenstein
7. Dark Forces
8. Quake Series
9. Soldier of Fortune
10. Golden Eye 007
1. Call of duty 2. The regeneration system is soo refreshing after so many games that have you spending more time hunting for health packs.

2. Half Life 1. Tho, the end of the game is dissapointing.

3. CS 1.6 Before Steam advertising...

4. BF2

5. havent found a 5th.

Half life 2 is on my list of games to play, but the introduction of steam was a huge turn off for me. Especially with the in game advertisements starting to come out. I anticipate that I will pick up the full HL2, with EP 1+2 and TF2 and CSS and Portal once they are released later on this year. Should be enough to keep me good and busy for a while. TF2 is a big selling point for me after seeing the videos for it.

Fear is an awesome game, just really jittery on my system for some reason, as well as lots of crashes :(
Half Life series - Must have for any gamer.
FEAR series - this is probably the best single player game I've played since HL1
Halo series - if u havn't played this yet, u should cause it is fun as hell, and 2 is out soon get that too.
STALKER - ur gonna just like the atomsphere of this game and the freedom they provide you with, if you can deal with the minor bugs
DOOM 3 or FAR CRY or Rainbow Six series - Hell has never looked so real..

multiplayer is probably the following

Quake 3 - Team Arena
Doom 3
Quake 4
Counter-Strike, CS:Source
Day of Defeat, DOD:Source
quoted for truth...

what the hell is so good about CS:S, the animation is wack, the sound and animation of the weapon is an upped version of the original CS, theres hackers on lots of servers. The original game is almost unplayable unless u get 3rd party sound/skin packs for it.
If you're talking about top 5 of all time... then it has to be:
1. Doom 1&2
2. Half-Life 2
4. Day of Defeat Source
5. UT 2003

YAY! :)
If you're talking about top 5 of all time... then it has to be:
1. Doom 1&2
2. Half-Life 2
4. Day of Defeat Source
5. UT 2003

YAY! :)

All time?

1. Doom 1/2
2. Half Life 2
3. Wolfenstein
4. UT 2004 instagib low grav CTF at LANs...w00t!!
5. Call of Duty 2