Toolbar Keeps Disappearing! Help


Feb 21, 2002
I'm so fucking pissed

I'm sick and tired of finding my only toolbar gone every other time the system is powered on

I have to then "create new toolbar"

is there any way to fix this?

or to make it a perm toolbar?

it's driving me fukin nuts!
We definately need more information. I have NO idea what you are talking about. A toolbar in Internet explorer? On the taskbar?

I'm going to take a shot in the dark,and say its a toolbar on the task bar. In that case, please try rightclicking on the toolbar and choosing "Lock the taskbar".

If thats not it, please give a little more info :).
1) Calm down, it's only a computer issue, not a life-threatening disease
2) Give us some information....your post doesn't give us anything useful to help us help you.

We'll be happy to help once you give us the info.