Took my 10 yr. old camping


Jan 15, 2001
..well actually my wife did.
My son is like his dear old dad, an avid gamer. So yesterday the family got up and went to breakfast. About 10 am we decided to drive by the local wal-mart and see if anyone was camping for the wii. Lo and behold there were at least 5 people in line. So my wife says that we need to get over there or we are going to miss out.
We head home and he gets everything packed up and she and my son head out.I had to work at noon so I was spared the majority of the sitting time but did fill in after 8 pm and brought drinks and dinner throughout the day.
There were 20 people in line for 20 wii's. It was a pretty subdued line with good people in it. My son had a blast being part of the crowd and got to talk game talk with people who actually knew what they were talking about.
At 11:30pm we were given vouchers and taken inside ( they would not let us in before that since the PS3 people were let in and sat in the Wal-Mart Subway and ate all the cookies and chips without paying, dipshits) where my wife and I split up, one to electronics for the games and the other to layaway for the system. It was a good idea since they only had a smal amount of games and extra controllers were actually handed out in layaway with the Wii.
We ended up with the system, two spare wiimotes, two extra nunchucks, zelda and excite truck. Guy in front of me got two zeldas and I ended up with the last one. The guy behind me was pissed. He was saying to the two zeldas guy "why not buy all seven so noone can have any". I got mine. :D
A few hecklers in the parking lot, but they kept there distance or I would have given them a wii beat-down.
Overall fun experience and I could not believe my 10 yr. old actually lasted 11 hours + waiting. His old dad is proud.
Thats pretty neat IMO. I hope to share the same experiece of playing games with my son when that time comes :).
That's nice and all but myself.... I refuse to support Walmart *cough* the destroyers of our country