Tomato Firmware QoS for nntp traffic

Turd Furguson

Limp Gawd
Oct 22, 2004
I am needing some help setting up Tomato firmware that is on my router for QoS. I have tried several ways of finding a way to throttle my connection when utilizing SABnzbd+ to no avail.

I am not quite sure how to set up rules for the firmware for nntp traffic. Watching Netflix and Ooma traffic take precedence for my connection. I reckon I could filter by IP address and give my Linux rig the lowest priority.

Can someone give me some pointers for tpossibly setting up QoS properly with Tomato?
They are port based, so all you would have to do is lower the priority for port 119 going to that machine and make everything else higher priority (assuming you are not using port 563 for encrypted usenet).

I could type it all out for you, but there's already a wiki that provides way better instructions -

There is some router overhead for running QoS, so you might want to look at other options on the linux box if they are available.