To those running UAC enabled, I salute you... and here's why

Joe Average

Ad Blocker - Banned
Apr 6, 2008
Try this on for size:

Seems our beleaguered and much maligned insistence that disabling UAC in Vista is a bad idea has now borne fruit in the sense that UAC prevents rootkits from ever installing themselves. According to the information in that article above, taken from testing reports done in the recent past, the testers found it necessary to disable UAC totally just to get even one rootkit to install itself.

Say what you will about UAC, bash it from here to eternity and back and twice on a Sunday, but at least it does what it's supposed to do. Can't fault it for that, right?
Try this on for size:

Seems our beleaguered and much maligned insistence that disabling UAC in Vista is a bad idea has now borne fruit in the sense that UAC prevents rootkits from ever installing themselves. According to the information in that article above, taken from testing reports done in the recent past, the testers found it necessary to disable UAC totally just to get even one rootkit to install itself.

Say what you will about UAC, bash it from here to eternity and back and twice on a Sunday, but at least it does what it's supposed to do. Can't fault it for that, right?

Hey there, bbz_Ghost good to have ya back. What happened to ya?

On topic: I knew that getting Vista was a good choice.