Tips/tricks/useful information for Outlook 2003?

Oct 29, 2003
Just wondering if anyone here got any useful information to post and maybe this will help ease a newbie's transition to this program. Also anyone here have a suggested view for Outlook 2003 or everyone is using the default view? Thx
The default view is what I use. Lots of info for the amount of real estate used.

No real trick for n00bies other than replacing earlier versions with 2k3
I seem to be haveing some trouble with the junk email filter.

I am useing spam assassian server side with subject rewrite set so all incoming spam is tagged as ****SPAM****

You would think that setting outlook 2003 to simply move all email with that subject to the junk email folder would be simple.. right?

Well, there is a problem with outlook 2003 and moveing messages to different folders that come in on different accounts.

Seems that although I have mail being moved from the inbox to another folder, the spam is actually being copied into both the junk email folder.. .AND my email folder.
