This is a thread for people who have quit WoW


Feb 23, 2003
Please, post your feelings and what has happened with your life since quitting.

I quit the top horde guild on Gul'Dan last night....I'm scared and lonely. I'm not sure what to do with my time now. I am big into working on cars, but I dont make enough to support that hobby.

What about you guys who have quit. How has life been? Did you have withdrawls?
my god , you speak like you stop taking meth...

well i played wow casually for 6-7 months and i stop , just because i felt like moving on... my life is the same with or without wow...

but i would like to hear story of people who had problem with wow...

did you quit wow to start playing eq2?
arr4ws said:
my god , you speak like you stop taking meth...

well i played wow casually for 6-7 months and i stop , just because i felt like moving on... my life is the same with or without wow...

but i would like to hear story of people who had problem with wow...

did you quit wow to start playing eq2?

Hehe, I'm not addicted, but it is the only thing that occupies my time. I live in Mississippi and needless to say, nothing to do.

I tried EQ2 but didn't liek it being night time all of the time. That, and my friends don'tplay :(
Well, its been since March when I quit. I dont have withdrawls. I did fall into a deep obsession with netflix though. I must have seen 1/4 of their catolog by now. My house is alot cleaner now, and I hang with my friends alot more. WOW was good for a while but it is a heavy timesink. I wont be going back. LOL
*Shrug* I quit when my ex-gf who also played dumped me (bitch). Since then I finished college, started working out, got into great shape, played tons of other great games, got a great job, make tons of money.

Basically all areas of my life improved after quitting WoW. It's such a worthless time sink. You're better off doing more productive things with your life, like working off that gut you've probably formed from playing too much.
Namork said:
*Shrug* I quit when my ex-gf who also played dumped me (bitch). Since then I finished college, started working out, got into great shape, played tons of other great games, got a great job, make tons of money.

Basically all areas of my life improved after quitting WoW. It's such a worthless time sink. You're better off doing more productive things with your life, like working off that gut you've probably formed from playing too much.

I have a feeling that will happen to me too. I can have more time to focus on my body, my townhome, my relationship, and my job :)
I played WoW for about a year. Worst decision of my life. I eventually quit my job, well, got fired from my job, so I could play through the day. Eventually I got to the point where I would play all night instead of all day. After a while I ran out of money, I still had to pay my monthly WoW fee and my electric bill to run my computer. I ended up selling or pawning my extensive video game collection including all of my old consoles. After my lengthy and horrible divorce, I met a woman who played WoW. After a few months of WoW dating we were married on WoW. But, that relationship tanked when she started hanging out with a higher level player in my horde guild. She got half of my gold, weapons and armor in that divorce settlement. This is when I hit rock bottom. I started drinking espresso constantly so that I could stay awake as long as possible to farm gold to sell on the interweb to support my WoW account. Two months later I had a massive heart failure while I was trying to pwnt some jackass from another guild. I'm now out of the hospital and have to carry around an oxygen tank and defribulators in case I relapse. The saddest part is that I sold all of my games and consoles, except for my Super Nintento and a copy of Pokemon Adventure Gold Edition 2 which I now play while biding my time in this god forsaken Half-Way House. But its all good, last night i finally got my hands on a Squirtle and a Bulbasaur. :)
Last summer, went on a 9day carribean cruise with the family, little/no technology access. Lots of being outdoors, and active, and when I got back the last thing I wanted to do was sit in front of a computer again. Account was allowed to expire.

Only took 2 months, before my roomates drug me back into the game and been playing since. =( Besides those 2 months been playing the game for over 2 years now including my time in closed beta :eek:
BarneyGumble said:
I played WoW for about a year. Worst decision of my life. I eventually quit my job, well, got fired from my job, so I could play through the day. Eventually I got to the point where I would play all night instead of all day. After a while I ran out of money, I still had to pay my monthly WoW fee and my electric bill to run my computer. I ended up selling or pawning my extensive video game collection including all of my old consoles. After my lengthy and horrible divorce, I met a woman who played WoW. After a few months of WoW dating we were married on WoW. But, that relationship tanked when she started hanging out with a higher level player in my horde guild. She got half of my gold, weapons and armor in that divorce settlement. This is when I hit rock bottom. I started drinking espresso constantly so that I could stay awake as long as possible to farm gold to sell on the interweb to support my WoW account. Two months later I had a massive heart failure while I was trying to pwnt some jackass from another guild. I'm now out of the hospital and have to carry around an oxygen tank and defribulators in case I relapse. The saddest part is that I sold all of my games and consoles, except for my Super Nintento and a copy of Pokemon Adventure Gold Edition 2 which I now play while biding my time in this god forsaken Half-Way House. But its all good, last night i finally got my hands on a Squirtle and a Bulbasaur. :)

youre kidding right?
I quit WoW for the summer :p
Winter i play just because when there is a foot of snow and its -20 out there is nothing better to do. Gotta love Michigan....... :rolleyes:
No, I'm using the House computer right now. I have to be monitored at all times when using a computer in case I get teh WoW itch. If I relapse I get kicked out of the Half-Way House.
I quit about a month ago.I just got burnt out. I was a priest in one of the top guilds on my server and just got tired. Besides, school starts up this month and I have a thesis to work on, so there would be no time for WoW anyway. I also didn't want to bother with the grind to 70 either and wasn't interested in buying the expansion.
MrFace said:
Please, post your feelings and what has happened with your life since quitting.

I quit the top horde guild on Gul'Dan last night....I'm scared and lonely. I'm not sure what to do with my time now. I am big into working on cars, but I dont make enough to support that hobby.

What about you guys who have quit. How has life been? Did you have withdrawls?

What Guild? I was in Gul'Dan, I moved around, but was mainly in Primal Fear, that was later changed to, another name.
MrFace said:
Please, post your feelings and what has happened with your life since quitting.

I quit the top horde guild on Gul'Dan last night....I'm scared and lonely. I'm not sure what to do with my time now. I am big into working on cars, but I dont make enough to support that hobby.

What about you guys who have quit. How has life been? Did you have withdrawls?
how did u like nerdcraft? they moved from my older server ( i left too)
Viper16 said:
What Guild? I was in Gul'Dan, I moved around, but was mainly in Primal Fear, that was later changed to, another name.

Martyr said:
how did u like nerdcraft? they moved from my older server ( i left too)

They ruined PVP on our server. Guess it doesn't matter with 1.12 coming though
MrFace said:
They ruined PVP on our server. Guess it doesn't matter with 1.12 coming though

the top horde guild (on cthun) just xfered there too.
I started playing the game after the SWG combat "upgrade" and I have since then had half a dozen lvl 30-40ish toons and I just hit 60 for the first time. After finally hitting 60 I got MC attuned and started running UBRS, DM, and SCHOLO. Then I realised how much time it will take to cach up to anyone in my guild (They were well into working on tier 3 stuff) So I pretty much quit.
BarneyGumble said:
I played WoW for about a year. Worst decision of my life. I eventually quit my job, well, got fired from my job, so I could play through the day. Eventually I got to the point where I would play all night instead of all day. After a while I ran out of money, I still had to pay my monthly WoW fee and my electric bill to run my computer. I ended up selling or pawning my extensive video game collection including all of my old consoles. After my lengthy and horrible divorce, I met a woman who played WoW. After a few months of WoW dating we were married on WoW. But, that relationship tanked when she started hanging out with a higher level player in my horde guild. She got half of my gold, weapons and armor in that divorce settlement. This is when I hit rock bottom. I started drinking espresso constantly so that I could stay awake as long as possible to farm gold to sell on the interweb to support my WoW account. Two months later I had a massive heart failure while I was trying to pwnt some jackass from another guild. I'm now out of the hospital and have to carry around an oxygen tank and defribulators in case I relapse. The saddest part is that I sold all of my games and consoles, except for my Super Nintento and a copy of Pokemon Adventure Gold Edition 2 which I now play while biding my time in this god forsaken Half-Way House. But its all good, last night i finally got my hands on a Squirtle and a Bulbasaur. :)
:eek: jesus christ! ...I never thought I'd say this to another gamer but GET RID OF YOUR COMPUTER!
I did! Not that I had a choice. Social Services took it away, and my children, after I told them in an interview that my son was only a Level 2 and I kept making him farm gold for like three months until they figured out that I wasn't sending him to school. I told his school that he was being "home schooled." :)
I started playing WOW last week. I stopped playing WOW last week. I played it for about an hour. I got bored with it instantly. I thought "maybe it's because I'm only a lv.3 that it sucks", and then I watched my little brother who is lv. 37 or something play for a while, and saw that it was the same shit.
G'ßöö said:
:eek: jesus christ! ...I never thought I'd say this to another gamer but GET RID OF YOUR COMPUTER!

Seriously.. how could you even come close to believing that story?
BarneyGumble said:
I did! Not that I had a choice. Social Services took it away, and my children, after I told them in an interview that my son was only a Level 2 and I kept making him farm gold for like three months until they figured out that I wasn't sending him to school. I told his school that he was being "home schooled." :)

Oddly enough they let you keep wearing this:
BarneyGumble said:
I did! Not that I had a choice. Social Services took it away, and my children, after I told them in an interview that my son was only a Level 2 and I kept making him farm gold for like three months until they figured out that I wasn't sending him to school. I told his school that he was being "home schooled." :)
You obviously dont play WOW, because you are using your imagination. WOW tends to dull the social skills IRL.
I'm a recovering WoWoholic and getting my imagination back slowly, I like that shirt by the way. :eek:
I quit WoW when I discovered waiting in queues for battlegrounds and/or running around Ironforge was mind-numbingly boring. I can safely say I will never play WoW again. In fact, there's 2 people sitting next to me playing WoW and it's makinig me want to vomit (lol). I re-sub'd to EQ2 for a brief stint when the PvP servers came out but I got bored with that also. The only MMO I'm currently looking forward to is Vanguard but I still have doubts it'll suck.
I played casually for 2 to 3 months, then got bored and quit. I haven't found an MMO that has drawn me in yet.

So far I've tried WoW, EQ2 and EVE. EVE came closest except I didn't have the money at the time. I didn't really like the whole mining thing either.
phobic said:
I quit WoW when I discovered waiting in queues for battlegrounds and/or running around Ironforge was mind-numbingly boring. I can safely say I will never play WoW again. In fact, there's 2 people sitting next to me playing WoW and it's makinig me want to vomit (lol). I re-sub'd to EQ2 for a brief stint when the PvP servers came out but I got bored with that also. The only MMO I'm currently looking forward to is Vanguard but I still have doubts it'll suck.

The fact that you still look forward to any MMO shows that you didn't learn your lesson. It's ok, lots of people have that problem. Play Progress Quest, its like the nicotine patch for MMO's. You get all the stat grinding, without wasting your time.
I quit after 2 hrs of playing on a 10 day trial. To me, it blew :p I'll gladly take Warcraft III over WoW anyday.
i guess i technically quit WOW. my friend wanted me to start a char. so i did. and quit after he left the room.

yeah. id rather play FPS games for short time periods and have time to work out every day.
After 60 wow is a job and is not fun. It was a pleasure to quit that game given its horrible design.
I was in one of the top guilds on my server for about 6 months this year which killed c'thun in june and is currently progressing through naxxramas. i was one of the paladins that was called to raid 6 or 7 nights a week. i barely had time for anything but wow, and decided to quit after i was sick of waiting months to get items i needed to better my character. fuck waiting in lines like that, it was such a waste of time and i'm glad i don't play the game anymore. i have absolutely zero urge to play again, and won't consider touching it when the expansion comes out either.
I quit WoW after about 4 months after the game was released (made 60) and was in a top guild. Staying up until 1-2am with my guild doing UBRS, and having to wake up for work the next day, while the rest of my guild continued until 3am at times, made me reprioritize my life.

Prior to WoW, I was playing DAoC for around 5 months and quit that.

It's hard to quit MMO's due to the withdrawl, but once you get back into the swing of life, I haven't looked back. I may start playing again if my girlfriend got into it casually, but other than that, I have money to make and a girlfriend to spend my time with.
I cancelled my account yesterday for the second time. Im done for good this time. I was on my way to play with 2 of my friends and it took me 15 mins to get there. When I got there I said, "You know what? Fuck this." and logged out for the last time. The game takes too much time to do what you want. I cancelled after I logged out uninstalled it. Im done for good.
I quit after about 3 months into it but still wear my cloak to the grocery store on occassion.
TypeO said:
I quit after about 3 months into it but still wear my cloak to the grocery store on occassion.

LOL, yeah I take my devout shoulders with +3 Charm to the bedroom! :D