Thinking of trying Win 7 RC. Suggestions/tips?


Sep 21, 2008
Ok, I've never done anything like this before, but the more I think about it, the more I'm tempted to give a "free" OS a try for the first time ever, especially after all the ranting and raving I keep hearing on how Win 7 has finally put MS back on top and makes up for Vista's failures.

I'm gonna have to be running this on my main gaming machine, I don't have a spare machine lying around to play with this. That being said, im fearful that this thing may not work well, or at all, so I need some input before I even dare try this

How stable have people been finding this RC?

How stable have the drivers been, especially for gaming rigs?

Any particular strange issues that I should know about to warrant backing up frequently?

Any particular tweaks or things I should do to make the OS run better/faster/stable?

I'm just trying to get an idea of what i'm getting myself into before I decided to wipe my stable system away. And yes, that means i've been having good luck with Vista 64 since Oct.
Here's what I would do. It looks like you're not running RAID from your sig rig so I'd get another hard drive and a couple of these:

I have three for my sig rig currently that hold hard drives for a Vista, Win 7 RC, and Win 7 RTM install. While you could partition your hard drive I think this is a safer and easier solution. Also I'd pick up one of these:

That way you can easily share or copy data from one OS to the other.

So this involves spending money I know and if you're looking for something cheaper you could always partition your current hard drive but I've been using this method for a lot of years to run multiple OS'es and it just has no headaches and allows you to keep you current install without messing with it in any way.
No way in hell im spending money on hardware just to test an OS. Well, its downloaded now, but I may or may not go through with it.
You can partition the hard drive, that's really the only other way to do it and it’s free. Maybe I made too much of the cradle solution but it pretty much guarantees no issues although plenty of people in forums likes these partition their drives with multiple OS'es. I just don't do that way because it’s not as good as separate physical drives from a simplicity and stability standpoint.

The hardware in your sig rig is pretty common and Windows 7 RC will run fine on it however.

To learn more about how Windows 7 can benefit you, Microsoft does have a site with whitepapers, tutorials, walkthroughs and screen casts on all the “under the hood” features in Win 7. Check out the Springboard site for Windows 7 on TechNet.
Microsoft Windows Client Team
Image the current installation with True Image or some other drive imaging tool, verify the image when it's created, then wipe the system and play with the RC, simple. You lose nothing in the process (except some time I suppose), and you get to play around with Windows 7. If you like it, keep using it through next March or buy it in Oct when it's commercially available.

If you dislike it, restore the backup of the system from the image you created beforehand and you're right where you started from.

No way in hell im spending money on hardware just to test an OS. Well, its downloaded now, but I may or may not go through with it.
Then install VirtualBox, use the .iso you downloaded, and install it in a VM. What's the big deal? I don't see the need for a thread like this. So you downloaded the RC and you wan tto try it out. Good for you, and I mean that honestly, not in a dick sort of way. If you don't want to install it on a system, or swap out the hard drives, just load it up in a VM.