Theres a very long pause when I click clear history in IE and clear recent documents


Aug 6, 2003
This started happening recently, I reformatted and reinstalled everything, and the problem came back after a couple hours. When I click clear history or clear recently opened documents, theres a long 45 second pause with the hour glass waiting symbol. Then it does the action, and after I clear the recently opened documents it pauses for 45 seconds each time I hit the ok button to get out of WinXP toolbar. This has never happened to me till recently and shouldnt be happening on a system like mine. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!
My experience has been that IE has always been like this (same with emptying the recycle bin).

One thing you can do is to limit the size of your cache to something reasonable rather than the 1-200MB it wants to use. You're not really going to suffer any performance penalty since most of the stuff in a 200MB cache is expired anyways.
Originally posted by IoWnZa
It is deleting a shitload of small Files.
I just starting using it myself. I am anal about keeping my rig clean, but I was amazed at what this little program found. :)