the official L90D+ thread


Fully [H]
Jan 20, 2002
this monitor kicks ass for gaming and web browsing only thing it sucks at is playing DVD's mabye this can be fixed?

anyways this monitor kicks ass so i decided to start this official thread for it
I'm hopefully gonna order one tomorrow :D :D :D but i have one burning question.....

What does this pic look like at full screen? hosting/gradient-test.jpg

I do quite a bit of photoshop stuff and it would be irritating if all my gradients looked like crap. not to mention trying to pick the right color in the color picker.


P.S. I don't wanna hear one person tell me to get a crt.
There is very minor banding in that screen of gradients. Definitely the best that I've seen from a 6-bit panel.
A bit of banding. As for the DVD thing, whats the deal with that? What's the problem with this LCD and dvds?
Error Macro said:
There is very minor banding in that screen of gradients. Definitely the best that I've seen from a 6-bit panel.

well the jpeg of the gradients has some banding by itself by nature, but that's awesome news that it does well. I'm not a professional graphic artist (yet), but it is a hobbie i would like to have a good experiance with on this monitor. thanks.
Don't get any TN (6-bit) panels if you plan on doing photo work. Just my 2 cents.
steviep said:
Don't get any TN (6-bit) panels if you plan on doing photo work. Just my 2 cents.
Agreed. Another reason to avoid TN panels for photo work is their poor viewing angles. It's OK for games and web browsing but you'll have trouble picking the right color since the same shade of color appears different on different portions of the screen (mostly darker at the top than on the bottom).
The recent batch of TN panels (i.e. the L90) have better viewing angles, and even managed to improve colour quality, however, for photo work they still don't cut it. Comparing 262,000 colours to 16.7 million, it won't suit you. Unless you care much more for gaming, which the TN panels excel at, get an S-IPS panel (i.e. Dell 2001/2005). They are a good middle-ground between colour reproduction and response time.
262,000 colors for a 6-bit? Where did you get that idea? It's 16.2 million last time I checked.
bytor33 said:
262,000 colors for a 6-bit? Where did you get that idea? It's 16.2 million last time I checked.
16.2 milions of colors is achieved by using a "trick" called dithering. In reality, 6-bit monitors can only really display 262k colors.
Sure they can. There's tons of sites claiming their 6-bit monitors can display 16.7 colors. Quote from the xbitlabs article:
Unfortunately, the text “16.7 millions of colors” doesn’t mean anything – many manufacturers write this in the specs of their 18-bit matrices, too.
Yep, and they're most likely lying about their 400 nits of brightness, too. Not to mention their inflation of the contrast ratio.
yea, i knew about the whole response time, contrast, and brightness tests manufactures run to advantage the numbers but i thought colors would be a straight number. This is sad we can't believe what a manufacture tells us. oh well.
Any gamers in here have one?
How's gaming on it?

I got a Planar 19" flat panel (25ms) a while back when my 19" CRT died, after trying to game on it, I said screw it and bought a 21" Trinitron.

Now 1.5 -2 years later, the Trinitron is getting brighter and less contrast, and I just started noticing waves moving down the screen.

Not sure about if its the moniter or (probably the videocard), but I'm once again thinking about going to flat panel. To make it easier on eyes.

But I'M AN AVID gamer that needs 100+fps and high refresh rates. I think 8ms might finally be low enough of a response time for me.

So I wanted the opinion of some AVID FPS gamers like myself.
Goat said:
yea, i knew about the whole response time, contrast, and brightness tests manufactures run to advantage the numbers but i thought colors would be a straight number. This is sad we can't believe what a manufacture tells us. oh well.

Despite the fact its not a true 24-bit panel the color reproduction on the L90D+ is as good as most CRT's. If you will look at any review for this LCD and compare the color tests you'll see its near perfect compared to a CRT and at times better.

I'm not sure why people make such an issue about 16.2m vs 16.7m. Especially if your looking for a gaming LCD. Your not going to be able to tell a difference in colors if its a quality LCD like this one. I mean seriously, just look at the user reviews for this LCD on Newegg and everywhere else. If the color reproduction was noticeably different then people would be complaining. And i'd sure the hell be complaining about mine.

chrisf6969 said:
Any gamers in here have one?
How's gaming on it?

I got a Planar 19" flat panel (25ms) a while back when my 19" CRT died, after trying to game on it, I said screw it and bought a 21" Trinitron.

Now 1.5 -2 years later, the Trinitron is getting brighter and less contrast, and I just started noticing waves moving down the screen.

Not sure about if its the moniter or (probably the videocard), but I'm once again thinking about going to flat panel. To make it easier on eyes.

But I'M AN AVID gamer that needs 100+fps and high refresh rates. I think 8ms might finally be low enough of a response time for me.

So I wanted the opinion of some AVID FPS gamers like myself.

Gaming is excellent. This is the fastest LCD 19" panel available. The color reproduction and brightness is very good. You wont be able to get 100+ fps or anything higher then 1280x1024 though. With DVI you'll be capped at 60 fps with v-sync enabled because 60Hz is the max refresh rate for DVI. Refresh rate doesn't really matter outside of gaming fps though because LCD's dont work like CRT's do. If you can maintain 60 fps though thats more then anyone needs. If your getting 100 fps in a game then you need to be turning up the IQ more.
burningrave101 said:
Your not going to be able to tell a difference in colors if its a quality LCD like this one.
Some people will no matter how quality your 6-bit panel is. Those monitors don't even try to reproduce some 500 000 colors and the difference is pretty obvious when comparing a gradient fill on a 6-bit vs 8-bit LCD.
I think i'm going to purchase one of these, but i'm wondering which reseller has the best exchange / return policy if I were to get a defective unit. Also, does anybody know what Hyundai's dead pixel policy is? I read somewhere that it was farily liberal and heard from one guy who said they exchanged it for one dead pixel after he offered to pay for shipping costs.
Roger said:
Some people will no matter how quality your 6-bit panel is. Those monitors don't even try to reproduce some 500 000 colors and the difference is pretty obvious when comparing a gradient fill on a 6-bit vs 8-bit LCD.

exactly. it's the amount of colors it can produce that worries me. but since gaming is my primary task for my computer, i gotta sacrifice something. I think I'll be able to deal with a slightly bad looking gradient as opposed to ghosting in CS.
Goat said:
exactly. it's the amount of colors it can produce that worries me. but since gaming is my primary task for my computer, i gotta sacrifice something. I think I'll be able to deal with a slightly bad looking gradient as opposed to ghosting in CS.

I think you'll be pretty happy goat, it just takes some tweaking to get it to look right, im still fiddling with mine now and then.
I think I'm going to wait for a 21" LCD with <= 8ms response and >=8bit color.

It will happen eventually I guess another year or so from now.
The only DVD problems I've heard about are "twinkling" in the background. This only was a problem with nVidia cards, and the latest drivers are supposed to correct it. I'm using an ATI 9800 Pro and haven't noticed this.

The good:
Ordered one from for $359 shipped on Monday afternoon, They shipped the same day, and I received it today (Wednesday). Very bright, very clear, no noticable dither, no ghosting. Much clearer than my 21" CRT and pictures, videos and games all looked great!

The bad:
Only one stuck pixel, red. But it's the far lower right corner in the clock area on XP. I could live with that.

What I can't live with is the strange backlighting pattern. There are postage stamp sized areas of halos. See the link below. There are six areas with a dark square surrounded by brighter light. The picture is of the entire screen with a solid blue background in a dark room.

Anyone seen anything like this?
Hi, I'm getting ready to buy one tomorrow at a local store for $395.00 plus tax. I went to look at it yesterday and was able to run dead pixel buddy on it and test it for backlight bleeding. I know that it is going to cost me more than online, but I don't mind since I was allowed test it before I buy it. I am having second thoughts about it today because I know other 8mm lcd's are coming out in the near future and I am afraid that something better will come out tomorrow. I finally talked my wife into letting me buy it so it had better be good and last a long time. I guess I'll go ahead and buy it because it is the best thing I can get locally. Plus, Brother in Arms is coming out March 15 and I want to play it on my new LCD. Suggestions or comments are appreciated.
I was kinda in that boat too about the 6 bit color, but after enough research I found that it's really not that *huge* of a difference. I do do photoshop work and build alot of websites, but i'm not too worried about the color. It still displays what, 16.2 million colors? Think about it, if it was really that big of a problem, you would have seen more people yelling about it by now.
It displays 262,000 colours... but through the trick of dithering, it can simulate 16.2 mil.
i just got mine today and i'm overly impressed with it's photoshop performance. the gradients are worlds better than what i was expecting. I you don't do print work or professional graphics, this thing rocks.

As for games, the verdict ownz. played CS and it's beautiful. I totally agree with IceWind in that it does take alot of tweaking with contrast, brightness and gamma. Everytime i mess with it though, it seems to get better and better. I play everquest 2 and the poor viewing angle is apparent during nighttime in the game when you run past trees the weird blacks come out. I keep messing with the contrast and stuff and it keeps getting less and less so hopefully i can make it go away.

I did get one stuck pixel... 003.jpg

It's good though cause it's out of the way.... 004.jpg

You can also see in that picture the backlight leakage at the bottom. The camera exagerates ALOT. Again, It does not actually look like that in person, but it is noticable brighter near the bottom of the screen.

Here's a pic of the infamous buttons that everyone complains about... 006.jpg

I don't find them THAT bad, but they could be put in a better place. DVD's are pretty bad to. I have a nVidia card so it must be those two in combination.

Overall, very pleased with this monitor. Great colors, awesome gaming when tuned right.
comcipher said:
I was kinda in that boat too about the 6 bit color, but after enough research I found that it's really not that *huge* of a difference. I do do photoshop work and build alot of websites, but i'm not too worried about the color. It still displays what, 16.2 million colors? Think about it, if it was really that big of a problem, you would have seen more people yelling about it by now.

I'm telling you that your not going to notice a difference. Noone that has this panel has complained about poor color reproduction compared to other LCD's or even a CRT. I have mine set up next to a Mitsubishi DP30SB which is one of the best CRT's you can get and the colors on the L90D+ are perfect.

The LCD displays 16.2 million colors using a specific method of dithering.

There are different methods involved with dithering and this is why not all 6-bit panels the same and this is they the Hyundai L90D+ has better color reproduction then most TN+Film displays.

Just look at the color graphs in the reviews for this LCD. They are pefect. Unless your a graphics design artist and your using a program that can tell the difference in colors then you have nothing to complain about because there is no noticeable difference when compared to a 24-bit LCD.
Im just now starting to notice the real narrow viewing angle of this monitor. Owell, I'll never go back to CRT's that for damn sure. :D
yea, it does have pretty bad view angles but i only really notice them on this forum (the grey parts) and during the night time in Everquest 2 (great game btw). The bushes, when black from shadows, have a weird looking "film" appearence to them. Not bad and it's getting better after i adjust it some.

Also, does anybody's appear lighter near the bottom and slightly darker as you go higher on the screen?
Goat said:
Also, does anybody's appear lighter near the bottom and slightly darker as you go higher on the screen?
It's the narrow vertical viewing angles that are the causing that. All TN panels suffer from that problem.
Goat said:
Also, does anybody's appear lighter near the bottom and slightly darker as you go higher on the screen?

Yea its just the vertical viewing angles. You'll notice it goes away if you raise your eye level up higher. It doesn't bother me though cause its hardly noticeable.
burningrave101 said:
Yea its just the vertical viewing angles. You'll notice it goes away if you raise your eye level up higher. It doesn't bother me though cause its hardly noticeable.

Yeah, after adjusting the monitor and sitting my ass down correctly in the chair, its not really a problem :p
Well Newegg was $359 and free shipping this morning...
SOOOO I got one.

can't wait to get it up and running

is there a site that talks the correct
controls and setup....
care and cleaning of lcd

anyone got good settings to use?

thanks big time

sparks said:
Well Newegg was $359 and free shipping this morning...
SOOOO I got one.

can't wait to get it up and running

is there a site that talks the correct
controls and setup....
care and cleaning of lcd

anyone got good settings to use?

thanks big time


Everyone standards are different so basically set it up and use the Shitty control buttons to adjust it to your needs.

NEVER, EVER, EVER,EVER use solvents to clean an LCD! Use a soft, clean rag lightly dampend with water and thats it! NEVER USE compressed air either.

Better yet, just don't touch the screen :D
I have had this monitor for a month now and I can say that I am very please with the following:
no ghosting (i play CS alot!, war3, Rome:TW)
good for anime
no straign on the eyes
you dont notice this unless you've seen other LCDs, but the black color is.. black!

Things that I'm not very happy about:
controls (they are annoying, but then again you shouldn't be playing with them a lot)
view angle

view angle:
I literally get a completely different shade of color depending on how high or low the monitor is. But this is only noticeble in the windows task bar on the bottom or the browser bar at the top (and i dont pay attention to this as much anymore) This had me going crazy with the controls, tryong to tweak brightness and contrast so that this would stop.
When playing games however, i never noticed it, never!
(and this monitors is designed for gaming)
I had a slight problem with the brighness and contrast, but I think that it was because my old CRT was over 5 years old, so its own colors were faded.

Am I happy with the buy, for under $400 hell yeah!
I can watch anime and play games and my eyes dont get tired, plus there is no ghosting, and the black color seems.. well black.

Would I buy it again (to replace the one I have) yes.
Would I buy a second one (for dual monitors) I dont know, maybe not.