The guys over at DFI-Street forums claim that DFI nF4 boards are not unstable.


Mar 12, 2005

Check this thread. I brought up the HardOCP reviews on both of the DFI nF4 boards, regarding how the DFI nF4 boards were unable to pass HardOCP's 24 hour stress tests.

Here's the thread.

Not only do they disagree, but they say that HardOCP copied and pasted the same article twice in order to make two reviews. They say I can't just trust 'one' review from HardOCP.

Multiple DFI nF4 boards not passing the stress test is enough to turn me off...

How is it possible that the DFI's could actually be 100% stable, and that both HardOCP reviews are blatantly wrong?

What do you guys think?
I think that DFI Street is a f a n b o y site, and they'll say anything to discredit anyone who has anything negative to say about their beloved product. It's common sense. If it didn't pass the 24 hour stress test, it didn't pass it. No f a n b o y somewhere else is going to have anything useful or intelligent to say about it.
well it didn't make it the full 24hrs, but even the reviewer acknowleged that the the board was put under more stress than most end users ever will apply to it. They said it was perfectly stable throught all thier normal testing. But yeah what do you expect the site defending is called DFI STREET :p
Even though I love hardocp for their info and community, I'm not trusting their reviews anymore. They gave the Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe the must have hardware award in their review. :eek: That decided me on getting that board at the time. After 2 RMA's and lots of buggy BIOS I have switched to another board that I'm really happy with. And you know that the Asus was buggy as hell....they are even getting out a new "Premium version" now. Sounds like revision 2 to me.

Anyways, this is not about the Asus board but about the fact that as much as I don't blindly follow DFI Street recommendations I surely don't trust Hardocp reviews alone also to make me an idea about something I'm interested in.

I prefer to get a bunch of reviews and see users feedback before making my final decision now. At the other end you have Anandtech that have great reviews about the DFI....

I don't trust DFI street !!!!!! as you call them but I certainly don't trust Hardocp fan boys either.
I don't even read the review here anymore. I come for the forum and interesting news posts; which most of the time get ripped from slashdot.
Whats the use of a review if the environment isn't real world?

I think the extra stressing is more out of curiosity that alot of people have. So far, on the [H] has come out with similar symptoms like the Ultra-D review had where the stress testing didn't last 24 hours. I don't think [H] is on a mission to stick it to DFI. I read the [H] reviews when I feel like it, and I read other reviews of that product as well. Not everybody tests the same way. There are similarities in what benchmarks are used, but that doesn't mean each site will do it the same way. It's one review, and the issues were put in perspective.

You ask me about Epox motherboards and I'll tell you to stay away, based on my experiences with them. There are other people that haven't had any issues with Epox motherboards, and they might look at me with eyebrows raised. Does my experience with Epox mean that Epox boards will not work for you? No.
Master [H] said:
I think the extra stressing is more out of curiosity that alot of people have. So far, on the [H] has come out with similar symptoms like the Ultra-D review had where the stress testing didn't last 24 hours. I don't think [H] is on a mission to stick it to DFI. I read the [H] reviews when I feel like it, and I read other reviews of that product as well. Not everybody tests the same way. There are similarities in what benchmarks are used, but that doesn't mean each site will do it the same way. It's one review, and the issues were put in perspective.

You ask me about Epox motherboards and I'll tell you to stay away, based on my experiences with them. There are other people that haven't had any issues with Epox motherboards, and they might look at me with eyebrows raised. Does my experience with Epox mean that Epox boards will not work for you? No.

Kind of already been said, but yes, people need to check with multiple sites for a review. With the possible exception of Tom's Hardware, I think most sites are pretty honest, but at the same time one needs to read multiple reviews before coming to a conclusion, IMO.

And also agree with the Epox statement, although my personal brand I'd never get again is Chaintech, based on experience my dad had with them, and to a lesser degree personal experience with a Chaintech based system I sold on eBay maybe a year ago. ASUS I've had some bad luck with also, but I've decided that ASUS is good...if one waits a month or three after they release something, I also had an A8N-SLI Deluxe, and ended up dumping it for the MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI. Decided that ASUS might be the first out the door with a lot of boards, but it's wise to see what problems if any pop up, and wait to see if they do a revision 2.0 on a board before getting one.

But others did have good luck with the ASUS board, and love it, and others like Chaintech. So for me, it's personal experience with those brands. The brand, if I do have any "fan-boy" in me that I like right now is MSI, I've never had a bad MSI board, but I know others who hate MSI.

(edit: as one word gets edited to "!!!!!!" :D I guess the worst swear word on HardOCP )