the gtx280 price drop...


Feb 25, 2007
on the Egg they can be had for as low as 460AR now......

its still not tempting enough for me:D

i feel sorry for those people a few weeks ago spending 650 for them:eek:
Gosh dude, you started a thread for this? I bought three at $650. Do you think I thought that they would stay at that price for long? I don't understand why a forum with people supposedly knowledgeable about technology see so many of these meaningless threads about tech prices and depreciation. It's the nature of tech!

We know the shit gets cheaper over time! All tech does! We buy it to be first not because we are waiting for them to come on sale at Walmart.:confused:
Everyone was expecting them to drop in price, they just werent expecting nvidia to lower the price so much so quickly. I figured it would be a month or so before we would see the prices they are at right now.
Great news for those considering getting 1,2, or 3. :p
I don't understand why a forum with people supposedly knowledgeable about technology see so many of these meaningless threads about tech prices and depreciation. It's the nature of tech!

We know the shit gets cheaper over time! All tech does! We buy it to be first not because we are waiting for them to come on sale at Walmart.:confused:

Are you serious? Tech items don't drop 20+% within 3 weeks of being released due to depreciation. This is about competitive factors.

I hope your time was worth $150. While I could afford it too it seems stupid to spend $150 to be on the cutting edge for three weeks.
Gosh dude, you started a thread for this? I bought three at $650. Do you think I thought that they would stay at that price for long? I don't understand why a forum with people supposedly knowledgeable about technology see so many of these meaningless threads about tech prices and depreciation. It's the nature of tech!

We know the shit gets cheaper over time! All tech does! We buy it to be first not because we are waiting for them to come on sale at Walmart.:confused:

It's been 2 weeks dude. Tech becomes cheaper over months, not 2 weeks. You should return your Triple Sli and buy these from neweggs(and you should be within the 1 month exchange period)...or at least get some money back because I would be outraged!
on the Egg they can be had for as low as 460AR now......

its still not tempting enough for me:D

i feel sorry for those people a few weeks ago spending 650 for them:eek:

well I feel sorry for you because you feel the need to feel sorry for all those who can afford their cards.
Are you serious? Tech items don't drop 20+% within 3 weeks of being released due to depreciation. This is about competitive factors.

I hope your time was worth $150. While I could afford it too it seems stupid to spend $150 to be on the cutting edge for three weeks.

Still not getting it. The reason for the price drop doesn't matter and it has nothing to do with affordability. My point is that it’s understood that by anyone that buys a high end tech product that the very next day it could a bunch cheaper. As soon I saw pricing and benchmarks I knew this was going to happen. And yes, that’s three weeks is something to me in a short product cycle. These cards are not going to last but about four more months. Three weeks is a good chunk of that time.

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? That’s all these types of posts amount to. I’m not rich; I have to pick my battles. If someone is trying to honestly help me out and save me some money I’m grateful. Telling me what I and everyone else know is just an “I told you so!” when you knew before anyone said anything anyway.
It's been 2 weeks dude. Tech becomes cheaper over months, not 2 weeks. You should return your Triple Sli and buy these from neweggs(and you should be within the 1 month exchange period)...or at least get some money back because I would be outraged!

I don't buy any tech item expecting it to worth more than $1 the next day honestly. If I were looking for a deal I would have waited, simple as that. And who's to say I had two weeks to wait? It's what I wanted and could afford. Nobody on this planet is guaranteed to be alive in two weeks.
its a very nice price drop..I was going to get the 9800 GX2 but now I will prolly grab a GTX 280 instead :)
its a very nice price drop..I was going to get the 9800 GX2 but now I will prolly grab a GTX 280 instead :)

You really don't want a 9800 GX2. I've seen all the review sites and the average FPS numbers showing how a 9800 GX2 performs better across the board. Not really as I just sold a 9800GX2. One 280 kicks its ass in just about anything at 1920x1200 with any decent amount of AA turned on, like 4xAA or better.
Yup, 9800gx2 + aa = fail. Sadly, this card had so much potential. Oh well bring on the 280s.
I don't buy any tech item expecting it to worth more than $1 the next day honestly. If I were looking for a deal I would have waited, simple as that. And who's to say I had two weeks to wait? It's what I wanted and could afford. Nobody on this planet is guaranteed to be alive in two weeks.

I got a feeling you don't have a savings account with that kind of mentality....

Well more power to you for driving our economy!!!!
I got a feeling you don't have a savings account with that kind of mentality....

Well more power to you for driving our economy!!!!

Like I said I pick my battles. I drive a 12 year old car, live in a cheap house, no kids.;) $650 for a GPU ain't nothing when you don't have a car payment!:D
Still not getting it. The reason for the price drop doesn't matter and it has nothing to do with affordability. My point is that it’s understood that by anyone that buys a high end tech product that the very next day it could a bunch cheaper. As soon I saw pricing and benchmarks I knew this was going to happen. And yes, that’s three weeks is something to me in a short product cycle. These cards are not going to last but about four more months. Three weeks is a good chunk of that time.

Hey, you mentioned depreciation, not me. That is why I said this is not depreciation. This is not products losing value slowly over time because they are no longer the newest thing, it's a response to a competitor's product.

Did you really know about this? You knew you could save $450 by waiting less than three weeks? That you could get four 280s for the price you paid for three? And you say this is just picking your battles, and that you aren't rich?

Look, I actually own an 8800GTX right now, and so I am not on one side or another. However, there was ample reason to believe that ATI would be releasing their cards soon after the 280/260 cards, so most people for whom money does matter waited. I just don't see how I could justify $450 for that better gaming experience for less than three weeks. Have you looked at how much it has cost you per hour to get your setup early? I don't know if you've done more than 150 hours of gaming, but if you haven't, would you be willing to rent the 280 setup for $3 more an hour?

While you say you assume that tech will be worth $1 the next day, and while I can understand the logic behind it, do you really expect that? If it was, all the time, would you still buy stuff?
Hey, you mentioned depreciation, not me. That is why I said this is not depreciation. This is not products losing value slowly over time because they are no longer the newest thing, it's a response to a competitor's product.

Did you really know about this? You knew you could save $450 by waiting less than three weeks? That you could get four 280s for the price you paid for three? And you say this is just picking your battles, and that you aren't rich?

Look, I actually own an 8800GTX right now, and so I am not on one side or another. However, there was ample reason to believe that ATI would be releasing their cards soon after the 280/260 cards, so most people for whom money does matter waited. I just don't see how I could justify $450 for that better gaming experience for less than three weeks. Have you looked at how much it has cost you per hour to get your setup early? I don't know if you've done more than 150 hours of gaming, but if you haven't, would you be willing to rent the 280 setup for $3 more an hour?

While you say you assume that tech will be worth $1 the next day, and while I can understand the logic behind it, do you really expect that? If it was, all the time, would you still buy stuff?

I'm not trying to be dramatic. All I am trying to say is that I could either always wait for stuff to get cheaper, which I do a lot, or just buy something now. It's really that simple. Endless cost vs. performance vs. time analysis is great, but really, I have the cards, actually had to return one and now have it back and everything is running better than I even read.

As for the pricing changing quickly, based on the rumors of pricing and performance I had a gut feeling and when I saw the official performance and price I thought it was obvious. I've said it a hundred times on this forum that nVidia would respond with a significant price cut. What choice did they have?

nVidia is a top flight semiconductor company. Yeah, I know the stock as tanked and that they have has some missteps but what semiconductor hasn't? nVidia has a pretty good history of doing what it takes to be competitive. They weren't going to sit by and do nothing.
Everyone was expecting them to drop in price, they just werent expecting nvidia to lower the price so much so quickly. I figured it would be a month or so before we would see the prices they are at right now.

And why did you think that ? With competition, that's not how things work. Look at the 8800 GT vs HD 3870 times, where AMD was forced to lower their prices to $219, just a week or two after launching the card. Even more so, when NVIDIA launched the 9600 GT, though the HD 3870 never went below the 9600 GT, or AMD wouldn't even make a profit.

Same situation now. With a HD 4870 sometimes surpassing a GTX 260 and a HD 4850 Crossfire setup often beating a GTX 280, prices must go lower, so that their cards are much more appealing.
What are the reference clocks for both the 260 GTX and the 280 GTX someone please?

GTX 260 = 576MHz for the core, 1242MHz for the SPs and 999MHz for the memory

GTX 280 = 602MHz for the core, 1296MHz for the SPs and 1107MHz for the memory
Gosh dude, you started a thread for this? I bought three at $650. Do you think I thought that they would stay at that price for long? I don't understand why a forum with people supposedly knowledgeable about technology see so many of these meaningless threads about tech prices and depreciation. It's the nature of tech!

We know the shit gets cheaper over time! All tech does! We buy it to be first not because we are waiting for them to come on sale at Walmart.:confused:

Your my hero.

These apple people who complained about the price drop on the iPhone.... what?

THere's the price, here's the features, here's the performance (and boy does this thing go like hell), do you want it or not? If you bought the card it means for that price you thought it was worth it. Nvidia giving the card away for free the next day is worthy of nothing more then a quick "aww shucks" and then a sequay into the next topic.

I don't understand these people bitching and moaning about how life sucks because the price dropped the next day. A) usually its pretty easy to anticipate (although, not with apple) and B) you still bought it at the original price because it was worth that money! With this recent price drop... maybe you should buy a second!

anyways, people who complain about price drops piss me off, its like, what, do you want the rest of us to pay the same amount you did...

ahhh there I go again...

moving on: in regards to Nvidias product line up and they're profit margines: Nvidia is in a good position. Sell the GT200 for no profit or even a loss but, it will kill ATI market penetration and you can continue to ship the cheap and effective G92 and the G92b making some pretty serious dough.

Once again, its a shrink race! Hurrah! We're in the exact same position we were when ATI really could compete. Good for consumers! If ATI can take the RV770 to 45 or 40 nm before Nvidia shrinks the GT200 to 55 (or god forbid) 45nm, they'll get the edge on Nvidia again because now the RV770 will be able to undercut even the slower G92b!
GTX 260 = 576MHz for the core, 1242MHz for the SPs and 999MHz for the memory

GTX 280 = 602MHz for the core, 1296MHz for the SPs and 1107MHz for the memory

Thanks for some reason I was thinking that the GTX 260 core clock was 602mhz so I thought they were selling underclocked cards lol :p
Thanks for some reason I was thinking that the GTX 260 core clock was 602mhz so I thought they were selling underclocked cards lol :p

Remember that the difference between the GTX 260 and GTX 280 goes beyond just clock frequencies. GTX 280 has more Stream Processors, more VRAM, more memory bandwidth, more TMUs and more ROPs.
Are you serious? Tech items don't drop 20+% within 3 weeks of being released due to depreciation. This is about competitive factors.

I hope your time was worth $150. While I could afford it too it seems stupid to spend $150 to be on the cutting edge for three weeks.


I don't know whether three weeks are worth another GTX 280 or not ;)
many manufacturer/etailers/retailers would more than welcome matching a 2 weeks (or more) change in prices. In many cases, this is great news to those just purchasing this or for those within the time specs.

I'd like to add, the reason many of you are able to make your decisions on what to buy next is because of the "early adopters" or just plain "money is no object" crowd. That said, the stupid condescending tone of your LOLs and the "feeling sorry's" for those who make these purchases is idiotic.

I went out (as do many others) of my way to give those interested in a "reader point of view" "benchmark comparison" for this forum to see and make informed decisions. I mean, how the hell do you think many of the questions are answered within our community? You should be grateful to those giving this info instead of feeling--as you say "sorry" which is a crock of BS since is obviously gloating.

This isn't pointed at everyone. It's a "shoe fits" commentary.
many manufacturer/etailers/retailers would more than welcome matching a 2 weeks (or more) change in prices. In many cases, this is great news to those just purchasing this or for those within the time specs.

I'd like to add, the reason many of you are able to make your decisions on what to buy next is because of the "early adopters" or just plain "money is no object" crowd. That said, the stupid condescending tone of your LOLs and the "feeling sorry's" for those who make these purchases is idiotic.

I went out (as do many others) of my way to give those interested in a "reader point of view" "benchmark comparison" for this forum to see and make informed decisions. I mean, how the hell do you think many of the questions are answered within our community? You should be grateful to those giving this info instead of feeling--as you say "sorry" which is a crock of BS since is obviously gloating.

This isn't pointed at everyone. It's a "shoe fits" commentary.

And for those like you I am grateful, as I am not able to fulfill that role myself. :)

If everyone waited around until it was "safe" to buy stuff then progression would slow down to a crawl. Innovators and early adopters are a necessary aspect in moving forward, people. If not we'd probably look towards a new video card upgrade once every 5 years - then let's see who gets to "feel sorry." :rolleyes:

Read that if you think this price drop is typical. Over 20% drop in two weeks.. the iphone dropped 33% after 8 weeks and that caused an uproar which resulted in $100 credits being issued.

Of course you can't be as outraged at NVDIA as people were with Apple because the former's hand was forced; but to say this price cut is normal...

Actually, we don't need to pity anyone. Buy early tech, get burned for it.

We SHOULD however pity shareholders. Especially given nVidia's pulling wool over them for so long (the 8500M issue is long due; they wanted to minimize negative PR and wrote off AFTER the GTX2XX was starting to suck)
Actually, we don't need to pity anyone. Buy early tech, get burned for it.

We SHOULD however pity shareholders. Especially given nVidia's pulling wool over them for so long (the 8500M issue is long due; they wanted to minimize negative PR and wrote off AFTER the GTX2XX was starting to suck)

if there was an emoticon for banging my head against a wall, it would go right here " ".

you're willing to pitty shareholders who more or less have a business "money making" strategy behind their purchases but not people like you and me? Not that anyone deserves pitty because that's just stupid but your reasoning confuses the shit out of me.

...Personally, I don't care what reasons the share holders are running a muck, they are on one spectrum of technology and we're on the other (consumer/user), and last I looked, that's where most of this forum is sitting on.

Laslty, how would YOU know when to buy something if everyone were to act like you referencing "early tech"?
And for those like you I am grateful, as I am not able to fulfill that role myself. :)

If everyone waited around until it was "safe" to buy stuff then progression would slow down to a crawl. Innovators and early adopters are a necessary aspect in moving forward, people. If not we'd probably look towards a new video card upgrade once every 5 years - then let's see who gets to "feel sorry." :rolleyes:

very nicely put.

...and thanks :)
if there was an emoticon for banging my head against a wall, it would go right here " ".

you're willing to pitty shareholders who more or less have a business "money making" strategy behind their purchases but not people like you and me? Not that anyone deserves pitty because that's just stupid but your reasoning confuses the shit out of me.

...Personally, I don't care what reasons the share holders are running a muck, they are on one spectrum of technology and we're on the other (consumer/user), and last I looked, that's where most of this forum is sitting on.

Don't forget about working or retired Joe & Jane Average who's 401k's are taking a big hit, along with their house value. The average person depends on the stock market more than ever (and I'm one of them) just to have a decent living. Social Security isn't going to pay all the bills.
Hey I refunded my GTX 280 and got a 260 to OC for those nice new prices. Looks like my timing was solid.