The Division 2 Will Get an Open Beta


Mar 3, 2018
While Ubisoft hasn't officially announced an open beta for The Division 2 developers spend hours streaming previews these days, and sometimes, they let things slip. VG247 reports that an Ubisoft Developer inadvertently confirmed an open beta while streaming a private beta for The Division 2. The game is scheduled to on March 15 on the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

You can watch the moment the developers spilled the beans here.

The Division’s Twitch channel has been running 24/7 livestreams since the start of the private beta, with members of the development team, QA and community all taking turns running the show.... In terms of content, the original Division's open beta included an extra story mission alongside the rest of the closed beta’s content. We're obviously not yet sure if that too will be the case with The Division 2. It's worth noting, though, that The Division 2's private beta is already heavy on content, so Massive may not see the need to add more.
They are definitely going to need another Beta, while the game got progressively more stable as the Beta weekend continued; it is still riddled with tons of bugs. Some balancing issues with end game content, HORRIBLE sound bugs, hitching/frame drops, crashes(which were less frequent as weekend went on), lighting issues; it's quite the laundry list. I hope they work them out and have a smoother launch than the Division 1.
Good. Looking forward to playing it again as I hit 20 hours in and didn't finish everything.
At least they're calling it a beta. Anthem calling theirs a "Demo" didn't go over well with many people.
At least they're calling it a beta. Anthem calling theirs a "Demo" didn't go over well with many people.

"Demo" implies the game is basically finished, and outside the occasional bug should be in playable form. "Beta" implies the game hasn't gone through it's final round of bug checks, and there are expected to be problems.

So yeah, it's all about managing expectations.
I have been watching the demos of the various games and they are all third person. Now I understand this is popular but I've been playing an FPS game for a while now and although my chops are not what they were, and will never be, I can headshot most anything in range ... now. I can take 4 or 5 quickly from a reflex sight, without lowering my gun.

I don't see anything like that. Just people running around looking at each other's asses, spraying fire around the place. Its really pretty COD like, and what is the fucking attraction here???
They are definitely going to need another Beta, while the game got progressively more stable as the Beta weekend continued; it is still riddled with tons of bugs. Some balancing issues with end game content, HORRIBLE sound bugs, hitching/frame drops, crashes(which were less frequent as weekend went on), lighting issues; it's quite the laundry list. I hope they work them out and have a smoother launch than the Division 1.

And the horrible lag spikes/desync/now you're here and now you just got teleported back to where you were. Don't get me wrong, I still play the first one with season pass, I just personally haven't pre-order, don't plan on buying day 1, until I see it's in a decent spot.
I'm curious why they didn't plan for the upcoming holiday weekend. The fact it hasn't been announced yet makes me think it might be a beta leading into launch, where very little has time to get fixed outside of major issues (like a early March beta).
When this game hit Epic it really lived up to it's name The Division

Steam vs: Epic
They are definitely going to need another Beta, while the game got progressively more stable as the Beta weekend continued; it is still riddled with tons of bugs. Some balancing issues with end game content, HORRIBLE sound bugs, hitching/frame drops, crashes(which were less frequent as weekend went on), lighting issues; it's quite the laundry list. I hope they work them out and have a smoother launch than the Division 1.
thankfully for me I had 0 crashes or bugs but I also didnt log in till saturday. Played for a few hours and had alot of fun in the beta.
Just wondering. Do you have to play this turkey third person?

I wouldn't call it a true 3rd person game... Gameplay revolves around cover and tactics, so it's sort of a hybrid. When you're moving in the open world it's a bit like Gears of War and then you hit the aiming button it switches to 1st person. This is more apparent in Division 2, which seems to force a 1st person scope view when aiming. I highly recommend picking up Division 1 since the Gold Edition is under $10 now. The campaign is excellent and end game is really fun, even if you stay away from PvP.

I have been watching the demos of the various games and they are all third person. Now I understand this is popular but I've been playing an FPS game for a while now and although my chops are not what they were, and will never be, I can headshot most anything in range ... now. I can take 4 or 5 quickly from a reflex sight, without lowering my gun.

I don't see anything like that. Just people running around looking at each other's asses, spraying fire around the place. Its really pretty COD like, and what is the fucking attraction here???

I love FPS too. Division 1 and the Division 2 private beta were/are excellent. (I quit playing Battlefield 1 for Division 1 and haven't looked back.) The thing that really makes Division great is that you can play it however you'd like and there's just a ton of content and dynamic gameplay. I tend to solo everything with a sniper rifle, and don't spend much time in Co-Op or PvP, but that's just me. The main campaign in Divison 1 was worth about 40-50 hours and has a great story. Division's "end game" is really unique in that it essentially opens up an entirely new game with more missions, smarter AI for mission replays, Global Events with special modifiers and strategic gear modifying. It's the only game I can say I've beaten and still keep playing.

That said, the Dark Zone PvP is just one small element of the end game and the aiming system in Division is very FPS, but more so in PvE than PvP. (Which is why I stay away from PvP that's mostly about looting, gear score and gear set buffs than skill...unless you have a regular team with high level gear that you play with) It's very easy to adapt to Division's dynamic from FPS and scoped rifles have a first person view when you aim. In Division 1, it's optional to enter into with the Tab key, but Division 2 seems to force this. If you read comments, console gamers complain about playing with a controller, so Division is definitely a keyboard/mouse game.

I think the Dark Zone PvP content tends to devolve into pray and spray because the high firing rate weapons have high recoil and many players tend to Co-Op from start to finish, relying on others to carry them until they get to the end game content. Devs seem to have noticed this also, so Division 2's healing system isn't instantaneous anymore and everything has a much slower pace to emphasize cover and tactics. People are actually complaining about this in the beta forums by calling it "lag"!
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thankfully for me I had 0 crashes or bugs but I also didnt log in till saturday. Played for a few hours and had alot of fun in the beta.

Zero crashes apart from a consistent Red X error screen on quitting the game. Lots of little audio bugs, positional/movement bugs, derpy AI stuck in walls though. The biggest problem I'm seeing is the difficulty balance for 3-4 player groups. I watched some videos where people new to the game and old were getting rolled by AI with way too much health in the first and second missions. Some of it was people not using better tactics and skills, way too much face tanking but the health/armor scaling is insane for 4 player groups. I mostly breezed through the first two missions at level 2 and 4 solo. When doing 4 man group stuff at lvl 30 it could get brutal where I would have to dump 1-2 mags to kill the "red shirts" let alone purple mobs or elites.
I enjoyed it plus it’s the first game I’ve seen that had a Freesync 2 HDR option. Only bug I had was falling through some stairs and getting stuck.
Having put quite a few hours into the first one, this one feels really good. It's very comparative (for me) with Destiny 1 and Destiny 2; after playing Destiny 2, it felt like Destiny 1 was a "beta" in some ways with how some of the systems changed and matured in Destiny 2 (and in some ways regressed a ton as well). I felt a similar feeling playing Division 2 beta, like the game matured a lot and things that should have been commonplace in Division 1 have come to make the game much more enjoyable; I didn't run into anything that felt like a step backwards yet, but I didn't put a ton of time in either. It seemed to run much better in DX12 over DX11 on a Vega 56 with V64 bios, around 85-120fps in DX12 (lost 15-25fps in DX11) at 1080p with all settings at max except shadows.
Just wondering. Do you have to play this turkey third person?

No... Div 2 much along lines of playing FPS Co-op mode - I'm mainly CoD and BF guy myself, however, I've enjoyed playing Div 2 Private Beta - FPS with story-line that starts by clearing white house front lawn.
Beta was alright. Lots of crashes running in dx12, fine in dx11 though. I'll wait till it's on sale though and play through the pve content, the PvP is massively unbalanced. Who ever gets to the dark zone first and gears up wins. Gear is supposed to be normalized but I watched guys just slaughter multiple squads and barely get scratched. The DZs are also so small you have zero chance as a single player or duo at extracting anything.
Put about 6 hours into it this past weekend, im coming in green as i didnt play the first. Enjoyed it! and the scenery looked great as well, ran awesome in DX12 on my Vega. Finally a DX12 title that improves performance! 3440x1440 using the high preset, it ran between 64-75 depending on the scene, very smooth frametimes as well, better than BFV from what Afterburner is telling me. Couple of crashes when I Alt+Tab out, but thats it.
I quit Division 1 after they nerfed crafting but before they did all the major fixes such as on demand difficulty scaling. I hope they implement all the lessons they learned from D1... I need a new game to play that isn't Battle Royale.
I quit Division 1 after they nerfed crafting but before they did all the major fixes such as on demand difficulty scaling. I hope they implement all the lessons they learned from D1... I need a new game to play that isn't Battle Royale.

This is the key. Bungie didn't implement all the things they learned from Destiny 1 into Destiny 2, so Destiny 2 felt like a much more matured version Destiny 1 in many ways, but completely failed in other aspects in ways that Destiny 1 had already nailed. It was like a 1 step forward, 3 steps back kind of feeling. Hopefully Ubi doesn't fall into the same issue with Division.
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you know what would be a really neat "live stream" that i would like to see...

take one of these games.. take a group of some of the top ranking players.. Make a REAL LIFE mock up of some map.. and have them play, paintball style, the map.. "live streamed"

I think that would be an interesting twist
I played the private. Someone else described it best when they said "It is Division 1 with shitty graphics and some UI improvements."

I like the single player experience of D1 once they made the improvements. I'll buy D2, when it goes on sale.
I played the private. Someone else described it best when they said "It is Division 1 with shitty graphics and some UI improvements."

I like the single player experience of D1 once they made the improvements. I'll buy D2, when it goes on sale.

I personally felt the graphics on Division 2 beta were much better than Division 1 in many ways. There are a lot of small details that make the experience more engaging than Division 1 was. Though, just my opinion from my experience with it.
I played the private. Someone else described it best when they said "It is Division 1 with shitty graphics and some UI improvements."

I like the single player experience of D1 once they made the improvements. I'll buy D2, when it goes on sale.
The UI was improved in some spots and absolutely worse in others. Takes too long to access info, cluttered and difficult to read in spots. Overall, I think it was a downgrade to Division 1. I clearly needs to be another round of polishing. With only about 30 days until launch; I'm not too confident about a smooth launch.
I wouldn't call it a true 3rd person game... Gameplay revolves around cover and tactics, so it's sort of a hybrid. When you're moving in the open world it's a bit like Gears of War and then you hit the aiming button it switches to 1st person. This is more apparent in Division 2, which seems to force a 1st person scope view when aiming. I highly recommend picking up Division 1 since the Gold Edition is under $10 now. The campaign is excellent and end game is really fun, even if you stay away from PvP.

I love FPS too. Division 1 and the Division 2 private beta were/are excellent. (I quit playing Battlefield 1 for Division 1 and haven't looked back.) The thing that really makes Division great is that you can play it however you'd like and there's just a ton of content and dynamic gameplay. I tend to solo everything with a sniper rifle, and don't spend much time in Co-Op or PvP, but that's just me. The main campaign in Divison 1 was worth about 40-50 hours and has a great story. Division's "end game" is really unique in that it essentially opens up an entirely new game with more missions, smarter AI for mission replays, Global Events with special modifiers and strategic gear modifying. It's the only game I can say I've beaten and still keep playing.

That said, the Dark Zone PvP is just one small element of the end game and the aiming system in Division is very FPS, but more so in PvE than PvP. (Which is why I stay away from PvP that's mostly about looting, gear score and gear set buffs than skill...unless you have a regular team with high level gear that you play with) It's very easy to adapt to Division's dynamic from FPS and scoped rifles have a first person view when you aim. In Division 1, it's optional to enter into with the Tab key, but Division 2 seems to force this. If you read comments, console gamers complain about playing with a controller, so Division is definitely a keyboard/mouse game.

I think the Dark Zone PvP content tends to devolve into pray and spray because the high firing rate weapons have high recoil and many players tend to Co-Op from start to finish, relying on others to carry them until they get to the end game content. Devs seem to have noticed this also, so Division 2's healing system isn't instantaneous anymore and everything has a much slower pace to emphasize cover and tactics. People are actually complaining about this in the beta forums by calling it "lag"!

LOL. I'll just keep playing Fallout 76 thanks. This crap is why there are so few good games. As Wlliets said about Rage, losely: "it should be like COD. COD makes tons of money."

The Division defines lame for me.
LOL. I'll just keep playing Fallout 76 thanks. This crap is why there are so few good games. As Wlliets said about Rage, losely: "it should be like COD. COD makes tons of money."

The Division defines lame for me.

Fair enough and FO 76 was my biggest regret of 2018.
Open Beta was announced for March 1st thru March 4th; I am cautiously optimistic about Division 2