Terminal Server Group Policy woes...


[H]F Junkie
Jul 19, 2004
I had previously locked down a terminal server, one of the settings was to disable the ability for RDC to "map" drives to it, from the client site within the RDC. So I yanked that GPO...just about all the settings reverted to normal...BUT...from the terminal server, if I go to it's settings the checkbox to put a check in to allow clients to map...is grayed out..and not avail. :confused:

Server 2k3.

Any ideas on how to force that feature back in?
Or you can delete the policies subkey in the registry and then do a gpupdate to pull the new policies. I don't have the exact subkey on me now or I'd tell ya. Google search :)
I started looking down that path...there's no opposite GPO setting...like "enable client mapping", Only to "disable" client mapping.

In the 2nd screen shot on the following link...see the checkbox that's grayed out for "Drive Mapping"..mines grayed out too..can't ungray her.

I'm brain farting right now..need more beer. :D
you can't just remove a GPO, you have to run the reverse of that GPO to put it back to normal.
This is not exactly true. There are some policies that act like that, Folder Redirection comes to mind, but you should be able to just disable the policy and do a gpupdate.