Temp Probe Placement


Jan 6, 2006
I have three temperature probes to place: CPU, HDD, and System.

Where exactly should these be placed, and with what? Do i sandwich the CPU one inbetween the heatsink and CPU? Do i duct tape the HDD one to the top of one of my HD's?

It seems to me that this should be common sense, I just apparently dont have much of it :p.

never ever ever EVER put anything inbetween the cpu and the heatsink. if you want to monitor cpu temps, either put the sensor on the edge of the heatspreader, being careful that it doesn't interfere with heatsink contact, or put it in the fins of the heatsink

hdd can be taped to the hard drive

system.. i like to stick that one in the chipset heatsink if you can :D
If you're careful with the CPU Probe, you can usually stick it on the SIDE (I STRESS SIDE) of the IHS on your processor.