System files on wrong drive


Apr 14, 2005
When I installed Windows Xp I told it to install into my SATA drive. It made the sata drive E:\ and my 20 gig IDE C:\. Most of windows got put on E:\ but several files including the boot.ini got put onto C:\. I want to dedicate my IDE drive for Linux but I don't know how to relocate the windows system files. Does anyone know how to safely relocate these files onto my E:\ drive?
Did you already have an os on the 20 c drive? if so then thats why the boot ini is there...

how did you miss seeing that you were installing the os to the E drive.. or was that intentional
You could try to merge the 2 partitions (C: and E: together onto the SATA hdd with a partitioning tool, such as powerquest partition magic 8.

And to get the SATA hdd to register as C:, you'll need to plug it in the master SATA port and set the jumpers on the IDE HDD to slave. You may need to set up the BIOS to place the SATA drive first in the boot order and the IDE drive as the second
The only way you will fix this problem is to re-install XP from scratch. Pay attention to how XP tries to assign the letters, and if it isn't right, make changes, instead of flying through the install.

On most systems, XP will look for IDE drives first before SATA. If you want the IDE drive to be untouched, either leave it unformatted, or simply unplug it before you start the install.
What would happen if I cut the files from C:\ into the root of E:\ would windows still boot.