System.exe taking over

Mr. K6

Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 23, 2005
j/k :D

Anyway, the story: I have an old Dell 8200 with a 1.9GHz P4 Williamette. I run F@H with it and it's a pretty good internet/word processing machine. The problem is, it all of a sudden doesn't like F@H. The system task continues to rob CPU % from it until is has 95%+. Once I shut down the F@H task, system.exe stops using CPU% and it goes back to the system idle process. What on earth could be doing this? I tried re-installing F@H and its service but that didn't help. I did an AVG virus scan and it turned up nothing. This has happened on this comp before but my solution was to reformat, which I really don't want to do :(. Thanks for any help in solving this :cool:
edit: Just saw that you did run a scanner.

System.exe would indicate a virus, are you sure the definition file is up to date? Do you ever download applications and run them?

If it's the "System" process, can you give some additional info? What is it doing? Are there lots of file operation taking place? Any other info?
If you are talking about "system.exe" it's either a virus as mentioned or spyware. If its "system" than its probably a driver. I'd update all your drivers especially chipset and IDE drivers.
Yah it's just system, didn't know the other indicated a virus :eek:. I'm trying new video drivers atm (I have old 45.xx installed), seems different putting the 77.72's on a GeForce2 :p. It's a Dell so I doubt there's an update for the chipset driver but I'll look. Could a sound card on the fritz do this? It's an old SB Live! and I realized that it's picking up CPU and HDD movements, as do many poorer-quality onboard sound devices. Thanks for all the replies so far.