System BIOS Updating?


Sep 2, 2004
Are any of you as anal as I am about keeping your systems (all 11 in my case) with the latest BIOS version? I have no idea why but I'm very particular about it. I'm wondering if this is even necessary to always be at the latest version.
It isn't considered necessary to always have the latest bios unless you are experiencing problems or it fixes something major. On that note I am currently at the latest bios revision and usually upgrade once I find out there is a new one out.
I dont update unless I have a reason like increased stability or added feature that I want.
mikeblas said:
More often than not there is a better chance of fucking something up than fixing something, especially when a person is upgrading just for the sake of upgrading. Sure, the chances of something going wrong are slim, but if nothing in the updated bios have anything to do with the system you are running then the chances of anything being fixed are zero. It's been quite a while since I've updated the bioses in any of my systems.