Sysadmin Day


Aug 1, 2002
As I just found out, tomorrow is Sysadmin Appreciation Day. A special thanks to all of those who work so hard to keep things running smoothly. Keep up the good work!
PS-thanks for putting up with people like me who have a million questions!
let me be the first to say happy syst amdin apreciation day to all other admins, now that it is offically the 29.
If we can't get the e-mail server working today (anyone ever hear of First Class?) sysadmin day will mark the day we were burned at the stake :D
haha my school uses FirstClass and they were having some problems with it when I was visiting yesterday. Good luck!
you know how i get treated on sys admin day. i get to go underneath our building into the sandy ass crawl space and run about another 20 lines around the office for the full day...
i already hate sys admin day.
but for those that have it good! hells yea, good job on the job
I have pretty much nothing todo today, so good day for me.

Just configuring our new OpenBSD firewall for install over the weekend

then I get payed, get to read all day, and no bosses
LMAO! That's funny...who ever came up with Sysadmin Day? Hell I'm game...let me see if I can't get something good out of my co-workers.

Besides a kick in the ass that is. :p
Ha if my co-workers knew it was Sysadmin day they wouldnt say or do anything for me. Lucky its been pretty slow today, but the shit is gonna hit the fan monday.
Funny how my CIO never told me about this. His day will come.................. oh yes....... it will....
Whoo hoo.

So, where I work, they have CEO day ( which boggles my mind, but whatever ), receptionist day, and by god I swear it, Janitor day. They usually get a card or something.

Sysadmin day, not a god damn thing in the mail box.

Those servers are looking a bit unstable to me. Could crash at any moment. Yup yup
Heh, I've had a great day so far... Bantering with retards at ADP, trying to configure a dot matrix printer... It's all good!