Syptoms of Hard drive not getting enough power?? Symptoms?

Typical Gamer

Limp Gawd
Nov 18, 2003
Just built a new system which wont recognize the HHD's I have installed.

I have 1- 20gig for running the system and 1- 80gig for storage.

I pulled them from my Dell yesterday and wanted to drop them in the new system. Piece of cake. So I install everything and when it loads up the BIOS its looking for the HHD's and cant find them.

Meanwhile the Master drive (20 gig) is clicking. Im like WTF theres no way in hell its broken because I know thats usually synonymous with a broken or defective Hard drive. It trys to spin, then dies, spin then dies, then start clicking in intervals. Sometimes it will even spin to like a max rpm then cut out and you can hear it just wind down like it lost power. Each time its different.

Out of 20 attempts I got BIOS to recognize the 20gig Twice.


-Switching out the IDE cable for a new one, even though the mother board came with new ones.

-Ran dual drives (Master - slave setup), Ran the Master as a Master by it self, Ran the Slave as a Master by it self. Still no detection.

-Triple checked jumpers, inspection for bent pins

-Switch the power cable with other, previously unused ones.

IM LOST. I have no clue what could be wrong this is so frustrating cause Im so close to using my dream comp but this is failing.

Anyway heres my system.

Thermaltake Xaser II Case
P4 3.0Ghz
Asus P4C800-E DLX
512 Kingston HyperX DDR PC3200
PNY Ti4600
Audigy 2
Antec True430
2 case fans
Samsung CD-Rom
3.5 drive

The HD's in question

Maxtor 20gig 7200rpm -Master
Western Digital Cavier Edition 80gig 7200rpm -Slave

Dammit Im totally stumped, and yes I checked out the some sticky posts regarding HD's

thank you.
reduce the load on the PSU by removing all uneccesssary devices
and see if it will detect, then youll have an answer

a single HDD AGP CPU HSF and Stick of RAM
your right it should
(missed that 430)
its possible its defective
or maybe an intermittent short
do you have another?
also do you have different cables?
yea, this is actually my second Antec True430, the first on was defective and wouldnt even boot the computer.

yes i have switched out the IDE cable with 2 other sets.
its still worth simplifing the drive config

ATA not so Frequently Asked Question
"The following article was written by snn47 to address some of the issues associated with standard ribbon cables and the use of e.g. removable drive racks as an attempt to share some insight into factors that can adversely affect the life or reliability of of desktop Hard Disk Drives. Specifically, issues like why some drives are working in some systems and not in others, the impact of cable routing and why is it that the drive manufacturers always recommend using their own cables (if supplied with the drive). "

Serial ATA and the Seven Deadly Sins of Parallel ATA

if you can get it to recognize as a simpler config,
then add components, if you do get it to recognize again run the HDD manufacturers diagnostic
I dont know whether or not you have done any casemods to this case, but try running the drives stacked outside the case unmounted with some anti static bag/material inbetween them.

I had the same problem before, was totally confounded, then I realized that when i mounted the drives in the enclosure (the normal lian li drive cage) since the cage was full the drive's pcb was lightly touching the cage during full spin because of the vibration from the drive, hence causing a short.

Drove me nuts till I ran them all naked and stacked outside the case, then everything worked fine......

It would seem odd that both drives wouldn't recognize because of one shorting, but you never know.

yea ill try to run them in anti static bags. before they were working perfectly, now both arent recognized and they click!! ARGH! Ah well maybe your remedy might clear this up, thanks for the input all.
I've had similar troubles in the past caused by loose Molex connectors. I hate those freaking things... Sometimes it seems as though you get the choice between needing a gorilla to unplug them or the connection being lousy.
spin click spin click... I've only seen that turn out to be a faulty drive.

How big is your PSU? 430? That's plenny.

Sounds like a dying/dead drive to me.
I had a bunch of Maxtor 7200 rpm drives die on me in the past.
They are the last choice for drives for me now.