Sync time on all servers...


Limp Gawd
Jan 28, 2003
I'm running 11 servers all of which are Windows 2000 Server minus two of the servers, which are running Windows NT 4. All eleven servers have a different time, sometimes within a few minutes and others it's even longer.

Is there a way or program I can use so that server 1's time is then used on all the servers? This way all I have to do is set server 1's time and then be done with it or is this even possible?

Set the DC to an internet time server.....AD will trickle/synch the time to all members of the domain.
MorfiusX - Thanks for the link, I'm checking it out now.

YeOldeStonecat said:
Set the DC to an internet time server.....AD will trickle/synch the time to all members of the domain.

We don't use AD, and I didn't think NT4 server had AD?!

WoodiE55 said:
MorfiusX - Thanks for the link, I'm checking it out now.

We don't use AD, and I didn't think NT4 server had AD?!


Oh...that many 2K servers..and no AD? Poor guy. Roles of the old 4.0 boxes weren't specified. I seem to remember doing net time /setsntp:<pick a server from the list below> on NT 4 anyways...I think..can't remember that far back. Then if you're running on old NT 4 domain, set the time for the workstations in the login script.
net time \\NAMEOFSERVER /set /yes